There’s your opportunity in life, Peter. Open a bat diner near Howe Caverns and 
watch ‘em flock in next winter. Maybe you can get a start-up grant from the 
Center for Biological Diversity or Dr. Tuttle.

And of course you are correct – bats don’t die from WNS any more that a person 
dies from a long fall.

E ^v^

From: Peter Jones 
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2014 8:49 AM
To: Jim Evatt 
Subject: Re: [SWR] Oklahoma removed from list of suspected bat fungus areas

WNS itself does not kill the bats.  It is in fact a minor irritant, much like a 
nasal cold, that wakes the bats up in mid-winter during their hibernation and 
uses up their reserve fats.  They fly out of the cave looking for a mid-winter 
snack and can't find an open diner anywhere to eat at.  As such, they 
essentially die from starvation or freezing to death.  I don't know of anyone 
who died from a cold, as we know it.  Sooner or later, we all get over colds.  
It's a question of whether or not they can survive the remainder of the winter 
without more nourishment.


On May 8, 2014, at 10:41 AM, Jim Evatt wrote:

  Recent biostudies indicate that the bats in those areas most heavily 
devastated are somehow enhancing their own imunosystems against WNS, and are 
surviving despite the spore presence. Seems likely since WNS, or at least a 
nearly twin sister of it, has been present in Europe for almost 100 years, and 
while bats have died, not one case of a species going extinnct has been 

  E ^v^

  Subject: Re: [SWR] Oklahoma removed from list of suspected bat fungus areas

  Hi, Donald:  Having just spent two weeks photographing throughout Ft Stanton 
and talking at length with Mike Bilbo about WNS and decon, I doubt seriously 
that BLM is going to reverse its decision about cave closures.  Despite the 
false reading of the Oklahoma bat, WNS has been steadily marching its way 
across the country and is now as close as Arkansas.  Bilbo pointed out to me 
that there are a series of caves in northern Texas whose conditions are ideal 
for WNS to spread through and Ft Stanton is included in that list of caves.  
Although the spread of WNS through the human vector is all but debunked at this 
point, it does continue to spread through the bats themselves and the caving 
community can't do a thing to stop that spread.  Unfortunately, the human 
vector of organizations like the Center for BioDiversity is a bigger threat to 
the closure of caves than WNS ever considered itself to be….  In some ways, we 
are lucky to be able to go into caves AT ALL these days due to the scourge of 
WNS and the hysteria associated with it.  It is a very sad situation for the 
bats and one that we are unable to control as humans.  As much a pain in the 
ass as doing the full scale decon is, it's as much a sign that we care as 
cavers to help slow down the spread of the disease, whether it is effective or 


  On May 7, 2014, at 11:25 AM, DONALD G. DAVIS wrote:

    "William Tucker" <> wrote:

          I haven't seen anyone discussing this; possibly because the news has 

      not gotten around, yet. I just received this press announcement.

                            May 6, 2014

                            A service of the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife 




    So, as many of us have suspected all along, the Oklahoma WNS 
    report that was used as the trigger to close Ft. Stanton and NM's other 
    BLM caves was a false positive.  Several years ago, when Marikay Ramsey 
    (major architect of that closure) was at the SW Technical Regional, I 
    asked her if it could be.  She replied that it was not false.  I suppose 
    that it's too much to hope that this belated confirmation of its falsity 
    will trigger reopening the caves.
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