All right. I give up. All those great Colorado Bend project reports make me
realize I've got to do the same thing.
We had two teams at Government Canyon on November 10. 
I led Rick Corbell, Christin Miller, Sierra Ostrov, and Petra Ostrov to Big
Dome Cave to continue the survey. We concentrated our efforts in the
entrance room and surveyed 44.14 meters in 12 stations. We tried to follow
the perimeter of the room as closely as possible but on the east side the
rising floor comes too close to the ceiling and the furthest extents of the
room cannot be verified. We also surveyed into two small rooms at the
southeast corner that have interesting solution features in the bedrock
floor. While Christin and I were giving Petra and Sierra a tour of the lower
part of the cave, Rick removed a rock at the northwest corner of the
entrance room to gain access to another small, low, dirt-floored room. In
the entrance area we still need to survey the new room that Rick found and
survey out the second entrance to the cave. Significantly, the cave length
is now 258.15 meters, making Big Dome cave officially the longest cave in
Government Canyon SNA. The cave that was knocked from the top spot is
Dancing Rattler Cave at 225.24 meters.


The second team was made up of Christopher Francke, Leslie Bell, Tom Rogers,
and Jill Orr. They took the long hike to the top of the hill loaded down
with rope, vertical gear, hammer drill, batteries, hammer, chisel, etc. to
continue pushing the lead in the bottom of Lost Pothole. They were
successful in getting into Rebecca's Pit, but, against all expectations,
there was no going cave or leads of any kind at the bottom. It was a blind
pit. So where does all the air come from? Everyone was so focused on the pit
that no one had noticed that the airflow was coming from the solution
channel that crosses over the pit and continues on the other side. After
finding that the bottom of the pit had no leads, the team confirmed that,
indeed, the air was coming from the channel at the top. The opinion of the
team was that the channel was too small for an indefinite length and that
continuing to try to follow it by micro-blasting or hammering was not
feasible. We will do a survey trip to survey Rebecca's Pit, since it is
likely the lowest point in the deepest cave on the SNA. Otherwise the cave
will be considered finished.


The next Government Canyon Karst Project trip will be on December 7 & 8 and
will continue the first weekend of the month until further notice.


Marvin Miller

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