Yay!  Trip reports on CaveTex!  It sure beats the alternatives!

Mobile email from my iPhone

> On Nov 23, 2013, at 11:02 PM, "Marvin and Lisa" <mlmil...@gvtc.com> wrote:
> All right. I give up. All those great Colorado Bend project reports make me 
> realize I've got to do the same thing.
> We had two teams at Government Canyon on November 10.
> I led Rick Corbell, Christin Miller, Sierra Ostrov, and Petra Ostrov to Big 
> Dome Cave to continue the survey. We concentrated our efforts in the entrance 
> room and surveyed 44.14 meters in 12 stations. We tried to follow the 
> perimeter of the room as closely as possible but on the east side the rising 
> floor comes too close to the ceiling and the furthest extents of the room 
> cannot be verified. We also surveyed into two small rooms at the southeast 
> corner that have interesting solution features in the bedrock floor. While 
> Christin and I were giving Petra and Sierra a tour of the lower part of the 
> cave, Rick removed a rock at the northwest corner of the entrance room to 
> gain access to another small, low, dirt-floored room. In the entrance area we 
> still need to survey the new room that Rick found and survey out the second 
> entrance to the cave. Significantly, the cave length is now 258.15 meters, 
> making Big Dome cave officially the longest cave in Government Canyon SNA. 
> The cave that was knocked from the top spot is Dancing Rattler Cave at 225.24 
> meters.
> The second team was made up of Christopher Francke, Leslie Bell, Tom Rogers, 
> and Jill Orr. They took the long hike to the top of the hill loaded down with 
> rope, vertical gear, hammer drill, batteries, hammer, chisel, etc. to 
> continue pushing the lead in the bottom of Lost Pothole. They were successful 
> in getting into Rebecca’s Pit, but, against all expectations, there was no 
> going cave or leads of any kind at the bottom. It was a blind pit. So where 
> does all the air come from? Everyone was so focused on the pit that no one 
> had noticed that the airflow was coming from the solution channel that 
> crosses over the pit and continues on the other side. After finding that the 
> bottom of the pit had no leads, the team confirmed that, indeed, the air was 
> coming from the channel at the top. The opinion of the team was that the 
> channel was too small for an indefinite length and that continuing to try to 
> follow it by micro-blasting or hammering was not feasible. We will do a 
> survey trip to survey Rebecca’s Pit, since it is likely the lowest point in 
> the deepest cave on the SNA. Otherwise the cave will be considered finished.
> The next Government Canyon Karst Project trip will be on December 7 & 8 and 
> will continue the first weekend of the month until further notice.
> Marvin Miller

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