"Evil" pesticide? "Toxic" is a bit more science-driven.

On Thu, Aug 22, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Julia Germany <germa...@aol.com> wrote:

> At last weekend's TCMA meeting, Matt Turner gave a very interesting report
> about the rapid spread of the Tawny Ant, formerly known as the Raspberry
> Ant, after the man who identified them.  Had Matt not previously asked me
> to "like" the Tawny Ant FB page, I would not have known what he was talking
> about and why cavers should be concerned.  He has been monitoring them
> inside and outside of Whirlpool Cave (Austin) as well as other caves in the
> area for a long time, and they are starting to have serious effects on the
> caves and the crickets. The current solution is an evil pesticide that will
> only cause more problems for caves.
> While watching the 10:00 pm Houston ABC local news tonight, they did a
> story about these invasive ants.  It's worth the few minutes the story
> lasts to watch and learn more:
> http://abclocal.go.com/ktrk/story?section=news/consumer&id=9215910
> For even more info, contact Matt Turner.  Sorry, I don't have his email
> address.
> julia germany - Houston home owner who will vigilantly be on the look out
> for these invasive ants in my potted plants, and around my yard!

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