Texas Cavers,

I am opening up the floor for nominations for the Texas Speleological
Association(TSA), for the annual election of officers for 2014 year. I have
volunteered to serve as Election Committee Chair and Mark Alman has agreed
to assist on the committee.

You may choose to nominate yourself or recommend quality candidates to me.
Officer nominations may be made by any TSA member. Please have all
nominations to me by Friday, August 23rd, 2013. If you are not a member,
and you want to be involved, you still have time to join TSA.

Officers positions:

*Chairman*- OPEN
*Vice-Chairman* - *Roger Moore*
*Secretary *-*Heather Tucek*
*Treasurer*- OPEN

Roger Moore volunteerded to run again for Vice-Chairman and Heather Tucek
volunteered to run again for Secretary. Chairman and Treasurer positions
are OPEN open for 2014.

Thank you to all current officers for your service.

My goal is to run an electronic ballot near the beginning of October.


Ellie Watson
*TSA Election Committee Chair.*

*The Texas Speleological Association is a Regional Association of the
National Speleological Society. The purposes of TSA are to promote the
study and science of speleology, the protection of caves and the
preservation of natural and cultural resources within caves, the education
of members and the general public, and communication and coordination of
speleological activities in the State of Texas. TSA supports the aims and
goals of the National Speleological Society.*
* *

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