

It is once again time to consider running for office. The Texas
Speleological Association needs your hat in the ring for the 2012 election
at the Texas Caver Reunion. Knowing your reluctance to volunteer for any
position, I am asking your friends (ha!) to suggest to me that you will be a
fine candidate. I will then contact you and ask if you will run and serve.


Our present officers (2011) are:

President - Mark Alman

Vice-President - Ellie Watson

Secretary - Denise Prendergast

Treasurer - Michael Cicherski


If you are unsure of the duties of any position, a job description may be
found under the Officers tab on the TSA webpage. This is the first call for
nominations. Please respond with your thoughts on possible candidates at
your earliest convenience.




Ron Ralph, TSA Elections Committee Chair

512.280.9468 Home

512.797.3817 Cell

August 21, 2011


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