Just a few more rocks to go!

Andrew G. Gluesenkamp, Ph.D.
700 Billie Brooks Drive
Driftwood, Texas 78619
(512) 799-1095

 From: Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net>
To: Cavers Texas <texascavers@texascavers.com> 
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2013 11:06 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] KIWI SINK Dig

KIWI SINK Dig--Sunday 21 April 2013--We were a little early but took time to 
visit with Kiwi and his new really, really nice dog. A few of us went to the 
bottom of the pit and contemplated the possibilities. They all involved mud. An 
area (based mostly on practicality, as is our wont) was selected to work on, 
that being the lowest part of the floor, comprising about 1/4th of the flatish 
area and that demarcated by immovable rock and that being about half of the pit 
bottom. The rest we won't talk about. Picks and digging hoes were soon in 
action facilitating the timely filling of 7 barrels and the upturning of 
several nuisance rocks and the collecting of bugs, some never before touched by 
the hand of man. A halt was called and the winch truck brought in. My notes say 
that 6 loaded barrels were hoisted and dumped and 3 rocks (M) and 1 rock (L) 
were also hoisted and consigned to the "Has Been Hoisted" Rock Pile before the 
winch approached critical mass and
 lifting was suspended. The time was 12:30. Another attack was made down in the 
pit and most of the barrels refilled. A couple of rocks impeded progress so, an 
hour having passed another halt was called to hoist again and to eat lunch. Two 
rocks (XL) and 1 rock (M) and 4 loaded barrels were hoisted and their contents 
disposed of. The day was still young and the diggers still eager. We were 
making good progress in the easy digging floor material. Before the afternoon 
was over we'd hoisted out another barrel and filled 5 more. Totals for the day 
were: 16 barrels loaded, 5 of which were left in the pit for later lifting. 
There were also 3 large rocks and 4 medium ones taken to the surface--sometimes 
doubled, sometimes piggybacked with a barrel, and sometimes all lonesome and 
alone. We'd worked our very selves into a hole digging toward the mysteries of 
the clean-washed breakdown chamber where only 2 digger dudes can fit to 
work--they should be friends--and
 barrel space was at a premium. It was nearly 5 before we got it all wrapped up 
and put away. Participants included:
Don Broussard
Gill Ediger 
Galen Falgout 
Ernest Garza
Andy Gluesenkamp 
Terry Raines 
Ron Rutherford 
John Schneider 

Jubal Grubb stopped by to see what we were up to. 

This was the most productive day we've had so far. Thanks to all who helped.

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