Non-closure of Mammoth Cave is not just a monetary issue for the NSS.  The
local communities are very dependent on the tourism generated by the
presence of a National Park.

Not only do they reap the benefits of the tourists visiting the NP, but also
benefit from the "publicity/advertisement" generated by the NPS. I did
research in the area a few years ago, and it was a common theme in the local
communities that the Government was determined to close the Park - based on
the evidence of reduction in tours and personnel. There is a huge concern
that if the park closes so goes the local communities - including the other
show caves.


Patricia Seiser


We shall not cease from exploration.

And the end of all our exploring 

will be to arrive where we started,

And know the place for the first time.

T.S. Eliot


From: [] On Behalf Of
Stephen Fleming
Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 9:35 AM
To: Steve Peerman
Cc: Jen.; swr; pajarito; Penny Boston
Subject: Re: [SWR] Fw: Breaking News: WNS in Mammoth Cave NP


On 01/16/2013 13:54, Steve Peerman wrote:

I find it interesting that the bat was found in a cave not open to visitors,
although it apparently had at least a few researchers.  However they have
not reported WNS in a bat from Mammoth Cave itself which has millions of
visitors.  Granted, they are doing some sort of decon procedures there. 

On Jan 16, 2013, at 11:38, "Jen." <> wrote:


  WNS in Mammoth Cave NP  Press release attached.


Peter Youngbaer

>From the press release: "Long Cave is not connected to Mammoth Cave and has
not been open to visitors for more than 80 years.
Tours of Mammoth Cave will continue. White-nose syndrome is known to be
transmitted primarily from bat to bat, but spores of Geomyces destructans,
the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome, may be inadvertently carried
between caves by humans on clothing, footwear, and caving gear."

Points to be made from this are:

a) Long Cave cannot be more than 9.5 linear miles from Mammoth Cave (simple
map math), and likely is much less.
b) Tours in Mammoth will continue despite the "threat" from humans, the
tired dogma they still spout in the face of no evidence.
c) Tours will not cease due to two factors: money and politics. The NPS will
not give up revenue unless forced to close and they do not want the
political nor public lashing they would get for attempting a closure even if
they were inclined to shut the place down.
d) There is no confirmed WNS or shred of evidence that any threat is likely
in NM.
e) Fort Stanton Cave is no less than 900 miles from the nearest confirmed
case of WNS, yet NM caves are slammed shut on the thinnest of manufactured
excuses anyone with two brain cells can see is a charade, and without
demonstrated need.

So, what is it about WNS that lets Mammoth Cave stay open when the "threat"
literally is in their lap (and for years has been within a few miles anyway)
but requires NM caves to be closed when they are nearly 1000 miles from said
"threat"? Why is Carlsbad Caverns with likely the largest bat roost in the
state not closed along with the other NM caves? Oh wait, I already answered and politics.

I eagerly am awaiting the "science" that substantiates the original closures
and proof that it must be continued. Most likely I will be waiting a long
time. All we have seen and will see is the continuing fiction of "need"
coupled with the administrative arrogance of the managing agencies because
the "science" doesn't support the goal of control of cavers who lack the
combined clout of tourists and politicians.

These are the issues cavers must force the agencies confront and answer, and
stop accepting what they are doing to you to maintain the pathetic access
you currently have. If you press the issues and don't let the respondents
continually divert you onto unrelated tangents as they deftly avoid
answering the uncomfortable direct questions, eventually you will get
answers and changes. If you don't well, then, enjoy caving on their terms
because that's how you will be doing it from now on.


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