I really wish that petition was worded more like his letter below. 
Cleaning your gear with hot water is NOT decontamination.

Please wash your gear first AND then decontaminate by immersing in 122f water 
for 15 minutes.


From: speleob...@comcast.net
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2012 12:31:51 -0600
To: wilsonsofcolor...@yahoo.com; speleob...@comcast.net; mi...@fastwave.biz; 
grnpacav...@gmail.com; mike_dimat...@comcast.net; motoca...@gmail.com; 
regan...@nmsu.edu; tu...@sbcglobal.net; david.winn...@yahoo.com; 
karstpat...@gmail.com; wcwal...@zianet.com; robw...@wwdb.org; 
rambe...@zianet.com; jbac...@comcast.net; oldgru...@msn.com; 
elpasoca...@yahoo.com; lpeer...@lcsun-news.com; scottanderso...@yahoo.com; 
sarcave...@gmail.com; mike_bi...@blm.gov; nmba...@zianet.com; 
lee.t.wil...@gmail.com; katert...@comcast.net; rfos...@nmsu.edu; 
margaretwilso...@gmail.com; sldstev...@msn.com; siz...@hotmail.com; 
gra...@comcast.net; cor...@alum.dartmouth.org; gggr...@hotmail.com; 
dmartin...@gmail.com; gypca...@comcast.net; kver...@aol.com; hadl...@htg.net; 
mbbi...@yahoo.com; janice.tuc...@live.com; jkl...@yahoo.com; 
lawrence.r.fore...@saic.com; abthomi...@comcast.net; johnmo...@excite.com; 
forema...@saic.com; casto...@gmail.com; billgo...@gmail.com; 
mikelis...@msn.com; s...@caver.net
Subject: [SWR] Fwd: Petition to keep public caves open to the public

Begin forwarded message:From: seileo...@gmail.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: April 13, 2012 9:16:01 AM MDT
To: saltydigg...@yahoogroups.com, saltyrockeat...@yahoogroups.com, 
northeastcaveconserva...@yahoogroups.com, cavedigg...@yahoogroups.com
Bcc: speleob...@comcast.net
Subject: Petition to keep public caves open to the public

Hey, all,

As you may know, the CBD is petitioning the White House to close all
public caves and fine private landowners who keep their caves open.
This is a serious threat to the caves, which are often vandalized when
responsible visitation is removed, and does nothing to protect the
bats since WNS is spread bat-to-bat. Human contributions to spread can
be effectively controlled with decon, assuming a human vector ever
existed. Closing publicly owned caves to the public is a threat to
conservation, a limitation of freedom, and is based on bad science,
and I am tired of not standing up to say that. If you support this
cause, please sign this counter petition to keep the caves open.


John Dunham

Kathy peermanspeleob...@comcast.net

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