On 04/13/2012 15:15, jen . wrote:
Though I admit that especially after working intimately with radioactive contamination (which is also invisible to the eye), I sometimes have a problem with suspending my disbelief with the WNS decontamination protocol, I do think that cavers are aware of how to clean ourselves. We are aware bats are THE vector for spreading WNS. But even if it is a one in a million chance that cavers (with no bat to human contact) could spread it, as cave conservationists, we need to not be that one in a million chance.

Let's keep working towards a solution and not just fighting against people.

Part of the solution is resisting interference and ignoring threats from groups like the CBD.

On that note it is SO coincidental that just a few minutes ago another email came in where the CBD was shot down (again) by the EPA...

On Monday, the Environmental Protection Agency denied for the second time a petition by the Center for Biological Diversity and other anti-hunting groups asking the EPA to impose a nationwide ban on the use of ammunition containing lead. The petition was essentially a repetition of a similar petition submitted by the CBD in 2010. The EPA found that the new petition was "almost identical" to the earlier petition, had no "substantive difference," and "contains no new information" as compared to the earlier petition.

If only the land managers had a spine and took a similar stand. Note the "contains no new information" language. That sure sounds a lot like the status of WNS.

Will the CBD sue the EPA? Probably. There's money to be had. But, rather than caving in to a frivolous litigation group, the EPA basically told CBD to go pound sand. BLM, USFS, FWS and NPS could do the same but, as noted, it requires a spine.

The threat of a lawsuit from CBD is always present (and is nearly a given)...that's how they operate and how they fund themselves. Remember, you can be sued anywhere, any time, by anyone regardless of whether the suit has merit or not.
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