The Bexar Grotto has a pretty regular newsletter, too. Kudos to Jill Orr for 
making that happen. 


Sent with my fat thumbs on my iPhone

On May 17, 2012, at 8:51 AM, Lyndon Tiu <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 6:59 AM,  <> wrote:
>> Believe it or not, not ONE grotto is doing newsletters anymore!
>> UTG hasn't done one in years, the DFW's (Oztotl Caver) crashed and burned
>> and they have resorted to a blog on their website which no one posts to, the
>> Maverick Grotto is kaput, the Lubbock Grotto doesn't do one, Bill Bentley
>> did a great job with the PBSS's Hole News, but is it finis, and the Houston
>> Grotto used to have a newsletter when Kevin and Emily McGowan were doing it,
>> but, it also is no more.
> Ahem, correction.
> The Greater Houston Grotto (GHG) published it's latest newsletter Dec. 13, 
> 2011.
> We are still alive! Our editor Ray Hertel is working on the next
> issue. Kudos to him and to all of our writers.
> Disclaimer: The following public service announcement is brought to
> you via a shameless plug by the grotto treasurer to beef up the grotto
> checking account."
> We only share the GHG newsletter with grotto members. So send me $10
> for your GHG membership ($15 for family) if you want a copy ;)
> -- 
> Lyndon Tiu
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