John Brooks said:

>But I am still opposed to reactionary cave closures; because I do not think it makes any sense. What is to stop an infected bat from flying from one colony to another? Are they going to close the bat caves to bats too? Is there scientific proof that closure stops the spread of WNS?

Nothing stops bats from flying from colony to colony, and they do it regularly - more often than I would have expected. And there is no proof that closing caves to people has done anything to limit the spread of WNS. On the other hand, there _is_ proof that bats spread it because it has shown up in caves and mines that have been gated and off-limits to people for years. Closing hibernacula and maternity caves is probably a smart move, if only because human activities might disturb the bats, whether or not it introduces WNS. And as John and others have pointed out, those don't tend to be caves we want to visit regularly anyway. But blanket closures make no sense and are entirely unjustified. Agencies do it because they feel like they have to do _something_, and at the moment that's about all they can come up with. :-(

Mark Minton

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