Almost all US bat species eat mosquitos.  For some species, in some
parts of the country, at certain times of the year, mosquitos make up a
majority of their diet.  But is there a species of bat that is a
mosquito specialist, forsaking all other prey in favor of those nasty
little bloodsuckers?  No.  

And not all species of mosquitoes congregate near the ground, Scott.
Some form huge, dense clouds, and can drive even adult caribou to
madness.  That is most certainly a great food resource for a bat to

-- Crash, bat guy

-----Original Message-----
From: SS [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 10, 2010 9:19 PM
To: 'TexasCavers'
Subject: [Texascavers] Do Bats Eat Mosquito's

This may be a remedial question but I have been engaged in a heated
debate as to whether Bats eat mosquitoes, other than the occasional one
that it happens to inhale.  

As small as a bat is I would think even a mosquito would be a dubious
meal. Especially since mosquitoes tend to congregate low to the ground
and where something like a juicy June bug, Moth, or cricket would be a
larger payoff. 

Can someone settle this debate?

Scott Serur 

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