I sent Annalisa Peace a email about Clean Water Action and this is here 


Dear Geary,

Yes, they are a national organization with an office in Austin.  They hire 
canvassers to solicit donations in San Antonio, but they do not get involved in 
any local issues.  CWA used to be a member group of AGUA (when AGUA was 
structured that way) but have not joined GEAA.  They do do good work on the 
national level.  So, I guess giving would be based on whether the donor is 
interested in local or national action.

If someone is a caver, they might want to donate to GEAA or SOS on the water 
front, as we are actively involved in issues of mutual interest.

Hope that answers your question.

Annalisa Peace
Executive Director
Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance

From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 1:39 PM
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Change of Subject--Clean Water

RE: Clean Water Action

A few months ago a fellow came by the house representing an outfit called 
'Clean Water Action' ostensibly soliciting funds to promote awareness of  and 
promoting lobbying for clean water in some form or fashion. Since clean water 
is a current topic of interest in South Austin and other parts of the world it 
would be a good thing to hype if one wanted to make a few bucks from folks with 
good environmental intentions but who haven't the time to keep up with every 
environmental interest group that comes along. I gave them a few bucks and 
signed their petition and filled out a personal data card. A few days ago I got 
a phone call from them asking for a pretty good slug of money. I asked for more 
information. A letter followed but with nebulous details.

Does anybody have any knowledge of these guys? Where do they fit in with SOS, 
the City of Austin, the various water conservation districts that some of our 
cavers work at? Can anybody cite me any references of their good work? Etc, 
etc? If they're on the up-and-up I want to support them, but I've never heard 
of them before and want a better idea of who they are and what they really do.


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