
I enjoyed reading this post about the various projects of the state's caving 
groups, past and present. As I have done before on this subject, I will take 
this opportunity to inject my two cents. The enjoyment I get from receiving 
(electronically) and reading The Caver is itself worth the dues paid. But, this 
is greatly overshadowed by the personal enjoyment of the camaraderie at events 
and gatherings with cavers who for the most part are TSA members. The good 
times had at these events would not be possible without the planning and hard 
work of the officers of TSA, TCMA and the volunteers of these groups. VIVA TSA!

From: []
Sent: Monday, December 14, 2009 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: RE: [Texascavers] Please Become a Digital Online Member

Hey Mark -

In addition to being a current TCMA Board Member and Officer I have also been 
the TSA Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary and served in multiple grotto 
officer positions. I am not trying to attack or discredit anyone's hard work 
and certaily not shock and dismay anyone. I appreciate what everyone does and 
have done much more shocking things than a one word email. I was also sitting 
right beside Ellie on a couch discussing options for things to do at Spring 
Convention when I responded to her email.

The Items you mentioned are quite good but I can't help but wonder what unique 
things the TSA provides me besides a great caving magazine? This is the same 
issue I struggled with when I was an officer.

*TCC is bailing out the convention and honestly replicates it at their big 
winter event with talks and caving. Might not be quite as good but if it were 
the only one I bet it would grow.
*TCR throws one hell of a party without politics or much TSA support (aside 
from running registration so TSA can gather memberships). I do believe TCR is 
explicitly prohibited from merging with TSA and has bailed TSA out financially 
on more than one occasion.
*The land fund donation to TCMA came from NSS seed money from hosting the 94 
convention. The TSA decided it would make a nice contribution to TCMA because 
it was not growing much under TSA and was a bit of a hassle.
*It was quite nice of TSA to help refurbish the Honey Creek shaft. Our grotto 
put it in during the 80's and many grottos donate money to keep the tractor 
working and maintain the ranch. It helps but is not unique.
*TSA projects exist nicely on their own. CBSP would continue without TSA, 
probably in a different form. The new Amistad project is run through the TSS? 
The Rancho Diana project in SA is just one caver. The Austin group is working a 
huge cave ranch near spring branch. etc.
* and CaveTex before it seemed to take pride in not being 
affiliated with TSA.
*The NSS runs the WNS fund and many grottos including several I belong to 

I'm not sure what unique benefit the TSA provides me other than a magazine with 
a membership and fellowship opportunities. This is not necessarily a bad thing 
and thankfully for everyone is just my two cents.


On Dec 14, 2009 7:16am, wrote:
> Some of the other items the
> TSA has supported:
> * A sizeable donation to the NSS for their
> White Nose Syndrome Rapid Response Effort.
> * Purchase and refurbishment of quite a lot
> of survey equipment used around the state for various projects.
> * A huge donation to the TCMA towards the
> payoff of the Punkin and Deep cave purchase.
> Plus, many other smaller projects that are
> listed in the TSA Meeting minutes.
> (Joe, I'm rather shocked and dismayed you
> would ask this. You're a board member of the TCMA and were present when we
> conducted the votes on all of the above items).  8^(>
> Mark
> From: Lyndon Tiu
> []
> Sent: Sun 12/13/2009 5:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Please Become a
> Digital Online Member
> ellie :) wrote:
>  > The TSA membership fees cover much
> more than the cost of The Caver
> Joe Ranzau wrote:
> >
> Like?
> >
> Sending a few deserving cavers from other countries to the
> ICS, the TSA
> paid for their registration.
> --
> Lyndon
> Tiu
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