Free thinker! Did you go to a liberal arts school? I will lay out a
simple, organized way to bring this issue up at the next meeting. I
have thought it through but will not propose it myself. You probably
have material prepared as well

On 12/14/09, Charles Goldsmith <> wrote:
> I'm not condoning of getting rid of the membership fees, and while I
> think a few may quit paying if they can get the TC for free, I think
> that it will bring in more members in the long run.
> The information should be free.
> Charles
> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 9:07 PM, ellie :) <> wrote:
>> I didnt know you felt this way and thought as a TSA member, you would
>> support having a small income for the organization. I will offer to
>> give Gill my prize of a 2010 membership but in no way think that there
>> should be no membership fees. I am glad he has someone to market for
>> him though(you)-i wont
>> On 12/14/09, Charles Goldsmith <> wrote:
>>> Gil, I seem to remember you making that statement within the last year
>>> or so, about the $100 donation.  I also seem to remark about matching
>>> that, and I'll stand by it.  I'll donate $100 as well.
>>> Charles
>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 7:44 PM, Gill Edigar <> wrote:
>>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 6:35 PM, John P.
>>>> Brooks <> wrote:
>>>>> I want to save the TSA from financial ruin....I will go digital if
>>>>> Ediger
>>>>> renews his membership. Anyone else willing to make that commitment?
>>>> Ediger will renew his lapsed TSA membership and donate $100 to the TSA
>>>> within seconds of The TEXAS CAVER being made a free publication to any
>>>> caver
>>>> who wants to sign up for a free subscription. Subscribing non-TSA
>>>> members
>>>> should be solicited to join TSA but membership should not be a
>>>> requirement
>>>> for receiving all the good caving information aimed at bettering the
>>>> cause
>>>> of caving in Texas. As a caver and TSA member I, personally, would want
>>>> every caver in Texas to be reading TSA promotional material, safety
>>>> information, articles about equipment and techniques, cave science,
>>>> upcoming
>>>> events which they can support by attending, trip and cave reports, and
>>>> participating personally by attending TSA conventions and contributing
>>>> articles to The TEXAS CAVER themselves, all of which will also benefit
>>>> ME.
>>>> I
>>>> am selfish. I want all of these non-TSA members to read The TEXAS CAVER
>>>> because I will benefit from them being more informed and better cavers.
>>>> They
>>>> do not have to be TSA members to be better cavers. But they can be
>>>> better
>>>> cavers, and well qualified and participating members of the Texas caving
>>>> community, if they simply read and contribute to The TEXAS CAVER. And
>>>> their
>>>> participation is good for me, it is good for you, and it is good for
>>>> Texas
>>>> caving. That is probably the most valuable service the TSA can provide
>>>> to
>>>> cavers and caving in Texas--keeping EVERYONE informed so they can be a
>>>> better participant in Texas caving.
>>>> I coined a phrase in 1969, "As The TEXAS CAVER goes, so goes the TSA." I
>>>> think that is still true today. If The TEXAS CAVER is made available to
>>>> all
>>>> Texas cavers digitally and free then we will see a much better informed
>>>> group of Texas cavers taking the bait to become members of the TSA and
>>>> helping it reach it's selfish aims and purposes--a major part of which
>>>> is
>>>> promoting Texas caving--for ALL of us, not just the few. The time has
>>>> finally come, my fellow Texas cavers, to do something for our selfish
>>>> selves. It costs the TSA nothing to give The TEXAS CAVER away digitally.
>>>> It
>>>> costs the TSA and Texas caving a lot not to. If you want to do something
>>>> selfish for yourself and for all the other Texas cavers vote at your
>>>> earliest opportunity to separate The CAVER from TSA membership, to make
>>>> it
>>>> free to any digital subscriber.  Otherwise, we're just preaching to the
>>>> choir.
>>>> Yours in Texas caving (for nearly 43 years now),
>>>> --Ediger
>>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 6:35 PM, John P. Brooks
>>>> <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I want to save the TSA from financial ruin....I will go digital if
>>>>> Ediger
>>>>> renews his membership. Anyone else willing to make that commitment?
>>>>> On 12/14/09 1:14 PM, "" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Welcome back, Karen!
>>>>> Now, if we could only get Ediger to rejoin!
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