Mark Minton mentions El Potrero...
... which had been open and closed to access at one time or another. In 1980
I went with a group (Justin Speleological Society) out of Ft Worth including
Bob Lloyd and Katherine McClure to hike up to the western ridge. It was a
beautiful, forested place with lots of cave leads, little pits (some
strongly blowing air) and some caves modified as mine adits with limited
sources of water. It's the same mountain range as at Bustamante but the
anticline is breached (down through the Mesozoic section to Permian strata)
and an interior valley runs parallel to the range. It's a neat place. At the
time, locals from El Alamo hunted up there. 'Hope it's okay these days.

T Byrd

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Minton [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 3:31 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Re: Hunters being the hunted in Mexico

         David Locklear said:

 >I stopped by one of these lodges about 8 years ago, in the off 
season, to see if there were any good deals for staying 
over-night.  ( I didn't want to stay in a road-side motel on the way 
back north to San Fernando. )
 >The lodge was very plain and very expensive.
 >I didn't see any reason to stay at the one I visited, unless you 
were a rich hunter.

         Not all of those hunting lodges are plain, although I 
suspect all are indeed expensive.  Many years ago we visited one 
called Paloma Blanca south of Sabinas Hidalgo.  It was like a classic 
Mexican Hacienda.  The owner was an American who also owned land near 
El Potrero (south of Bustamante) with caves and mines on it, which 
Brian Burton had learned of.  We stopped at the lodge to ask 
permission to explore his caves.  I don't know how much it cost to 
stay there, but the owner was incredibly gracious, inviting us in for 
margaritas and giving us free reign at his place in Potrero, 
including use of the fancy house there.  We only went to Potrero a 
couple of times but still had some good leads.  Unfortunately Paloma 
Blanca closed down and we lost track of the owner.  Potrero would be 
a good place to go back to.

Mark Minton

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