Ernie's right; most of the ICS attendees were not aware of the backstage  
dramas that occurred at the ICS.  The organizers and volunteers can  
rightfully be proud of that.  
It would be interesting if a book were written about the real story of the  
ICS:  the years of dedication and effort, self sacrifice and  
behind-the-scenes drama, financial fortunes waxing and waning, and the courage  
vision of a few that drove the collective effort to its climactic  conclusion.  
Almost like a sequel to the Huautla book.....  and the  made-for-TV version 
could star the movie actors from the Center of the Caving  Universe.   ;>)
In a message dated 8/1/2009 12:42:52 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:

Now that all  my ICS guests have left and life can get back to normal, 
I've had time to  reflect about the monumental task the caver community 
has pulled off in  staging the ICS. From the visitor's point of view, 
things went rather  smoothly and the event was well organized. Talking to 
the main volunteers,  one gets a different view: of wayward buses, 
insufficient personnel, lack  of sleep, and a certain amount of chaos. 
The fact that the visitors did  not sense most of this is a testament to 
the volunteer's ability to solve  the problems that arose.

George said it best: "Without the dedicated  volunteers, an event like 
the ICS would not be possible."

-Ernie  Garza

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