Geoff, you make some very good points, but keep in mind, the only
official way to voice your views and concerns to the TSA is at a
meeting, or perhaps writing to the officers, but I don't know if that
would be allowed.

While a lot of people associate this mailing list with the TSA, it is
in fact very separate.  No organization is tied to this mailing list
other than the website,

The TSA has offered to help pay for hosting, as a few individuals, but
I have politely turned them down, I do it as a service to the
community, it's my small way of giving back.

While everyone is free to post just about anything here (following the
rules at the above site, of course), do not feel that this is any way
of discussing any official business of the TSA.


On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 5:38 PM, Geoff H <> wrote:
> I don't regularly follow cavetex, and more rarely post, but I think there's
> one or two recurrent themes here that merit reflection.
> My membership should not mean any less to the organization because I missed
> the last meeting. There's just one tier of membership.  (some organizations
> have multiple tiers - sustaining, associate, voting/non-voting, whatever.  I
> don't want that level of complication in the TSA.)  The TSA exists to serve
> the interests of its members. This is probably constrained somewhat by
> language somewhere about serving the interests of caving in texas,
> conservation, and maybe one or two more things of that sort, but for the
> most part, it should do what a significant portion of its membership wants
> it to do.  It doesn't matter if they go to meetings, or post on Cavetex, or
> just sit quietly at home and never go out. If they are members, the
> organization should consider what they want.

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