(Please circulate widely among cavers)

After years of dedicated work shepherding the Speleo Digest series, Scott Fee is retiring from this task. At a recent NSS Board of Governors meeting it was decided that I would be taking over the duties from Scott. Scott has thankfully agreed to help me with this transition, which will greatly aid the process. I want to formally thank Scott for all the work he put in getting the Speleo Digests published and up to date and the many hours he spent making sure that every aspect of each printing was as perfect as it could be.

So, to begin making this change, please submit all future newsletters to the following address:

George Jaegers
3144 Ironwood Lane
Allentown, PA 18103

Electronic submissions can be sent to:

According to Scott, the newsletter submissions for the Digest have been dropping off over the last few years, so if you are doing a newsletter for your grotto please consider sending it for a future Speleo Digest.

I would like to thank everyone in advance for your participation in the creation of grotto newsletters and helping to make the future Speleo Digests successful publications.  Don't be surprised if someday I come knocking looking for volunteer editors for future Digests.

George Jaegers
NMCAVER mailing list

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