I second Julie's post.  I was also a part of the August 07 rescue, and would not
want to do it again (although I would if necessary).  I'm sure the youtube clips
were well-intentioned, and I in no way want to bitch at anyone here, but not
everyone can or should go into a cave.


>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: Jules Jenkins
>   To: Texas Cavers ; John Brooks
>   Cc: joezame...@hotmail.com ; andyzen...@yahoo.com
>   Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 9:14 AM
>   Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Fwd: Airmen's Cave
>         All,
>         I generally wouldn't respond to this type of email, I'd view it,
> enjoy it, and toss it. However, for more than a decade a couple of us have
> worked with the city of Austin to develop a trust relationship, to embody the
> cave community as a responsible group of individuals who care about the karst
> and protecting our cave resources. We've worked very diligently to help the
> city feel comfortable and safe with cavers and their activities. In other
> words, we've built ourselves into a position as an asset to the city for
> their caves, we're the unofficial 'eyes and ears on the karst'.  The local
> caving community does lots of outreach, education, and guides lots and lots
> of cave trips. This relationship which, at best allows cavers a lot of
> freedom in usage is also very tenuous and problems often have resulted in
> cavers loosing access, even when it's not been a caver caused problem. I feel
> compelled  to respond to this email posting and hope that by addressing this
> I don't inflame the caver community but, rather get you all to think and
> consider the impact of your actions.
>         Although these video segments are somewhat factual and somewhat
> amusing, it's posting video's such as these, providing exact directions and
> encouraging the internet world at large by providing so much info that it
> threatens the continued open access to this cave and potentially other Austin
> area caves owned by the city.
>         The August 2007 Airmen's search, which one of these guys states he
> was involved with has still not been resolved and the city of Austin, who
> owns the cave is still seriously looking at gating the cave.  This sort of
> encouragement and advertisement of the cave will NOT help the situation.
>         I can appreciate that with all our technology, gps, video, digital
> cameras, internet etc. that it's tough to maintain the caver 'ethic' of NOT
> giving out locations but, if we as the caving community do not continue this
> practice we will very likely loose access to this cave and perhaps if we're
> not more cautious and responsible for our actions we could loose access to
> the other caves in Austin that cavers currently have access to.
>         Having been called out by the fire dept. on the August search for the
> UT students, I don't recall these guys at all being involved but, then I was
> busy locating the students.  What I learned from the experience and can share
> w/the entire caving community is that the city has huge very real concerns
> over location information going out to the internet and this kind of
> information as well as videos on utube, links being sent out w/photos from
> trips that were taken to caves that are only open for scientific research
> access. This puts our caving community in a very tenuous position with the
> city decision makers.  We stand to loose our access privprivilegesause this
> kind of widespread and specific information increases the potential for
> unprepared individuals to attempt to do the cave trip, likely resulting in
> other 'rescues' or 'searches', which translates to problems, lots of $$'s on
> the part of the city, lots of outcry from the tax paying public, and
> potential life threatening danger to the non prepared cave visitor.
>         Whether you all live in Austin or not, every incident right, wrong,
> or indifferent reflects on the Austin caving community. If we're shut out,
> and ALL the caves gated, access denied, then we all loose. It may not make a
> difference to non Austin cavers but, it does make a difference to the Austin
> caving community.
>         I've just been contacted again by the city to meet to look at the
> problems and issues that have arisen regarding 'rescues', the cost the
> Austin's citizens (nearly 20K for this last incident with UT students) and
> the potential liability for the city, and it's going to be very difficult to
> emploimplorecity to leave Airmen's open, and to allow cavers continued access
> when cavers continue to publicize locations, names, and techniques.  And
> believe me, they will have already seen this email link before we meet at the
> end of the week, you see they're on cavetex, too.!!
>         This is a plea to the caving community to discontinue publicizing by
> whatever method directions, locations, how-to's, and commentary about caves
> in general but, more specifically Austin caves.  Y'all are killin' us in
> Austin and we're not going to be able to justify asking that the caves remain
> open with so much info out on the internet.
>         Conversely, from the city prospective whose mandate is one of
> protecting the public both from danger and from unreasonable costs to the
> city and it's tax paying citizens, duh, it's gonna make sense for them to
> gate the cave reduce or eliminate the problem or potential for problems.
>         Y'all are making this a battle that can't be won by providing this
> sort of detailed information.
>         And I gotta tell you once it's gone we're not likely to ever get it
> back.
>         Again, please think before you decide you're going to post something
> to the internet. If you gotta share, do it with a small select group, not the
> world and not cavetex at large.
>         You know anyone can join cavetex and there are several city staff
> folks who read cavetex.
>         If we don't police ourselves, the city, who owns most of the caves in
> Austin area will police us, and that will take the form of NO ACCESS at worst
> and very controlled, limited access at best.
>         thanks,
>         Julie Jenkins
>         --- On Tue, 9/23/08, John Brooks <jpbrook...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>           From: John Brooks <jpbrook...@sbcglobal.net>
>           Subject: [Texascavers] Fwd: Airmen's Cave
>           To: "Texas Cavers" <texascavers@texascavers.com>
>           Date: Tuesday, September 23, 2008, 1:37 AM
>           Sent from my iPhone
>           Begin forwarded message:
>             From: Joe Zamecki <joezame...@hotmail.com>
>             Date: September 21, 2008 11:45:48 PM CDT
>             To: <chair...@cavetexas.org>
>             Subject: Airmen's Cave
>             Howdy! I went with a friend into Airmen's Cave, the first few
> dozen feet anyway, and we got
>             some nice video. I wanted to share it with you and your group:
>             1 Getting There: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tzdmqtNRWo
>             2 Getting Into: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQLND4X94t4
>             3 Getting Out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XYek28q95hI
>             4 Chattin': http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThWzE6JwM8g
>             Seeya!
>             Joe Zamecki
>             Austin, TX
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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Sandi Calhoun

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