At 9:12 AM -0700 7/29/08, Louise Power wrote:
. . but there is great value in looking your fellow person in the eye when communicating. You can learn a lot by seeing how a person reacts and responds that doesn't necessarily come across in the written word.

We're talking podcast or direct streaming here. If you made podcasts available, it could be after the event. Direct streaming events are real time and potentially interactive. MInton's point about abstracts fits here, too.

some of us don't have two weeks off for travel or a week-long convention. some families don't travel well when kids are at certain ages. sometimes you don't have a road-trip-worthy vehicle. we're taking ways to spread the excitement to the not-self-employed.

It's sad that there has to be in-groups and out-groups for "missing the party of the year," when a lot could be shared to create future demand. Right now, it's very much a "be there or be square" mentality that is not very forgiving of life circumstances. and you don't have to be somewhere to be a supporting member.

let's not be lifestyle normative here.

let me rephrase Ediger: "go digital, go WORLDWIDE." telecommute, if nothing else works for you.

katie arens

Katherine Arens (Professor) Office: EPS 3.128; Phone: (512) 232-6363
Dept. of Germanic Studies               Dept. Phone:  (512)471-4123
1 University Station C3300              FAX (512) 471-4025
University of Texas at Austin           Bldg.Location:  E.P. Schoch 3.102
Austin, TX  78712-0304        
President: Modern Austrian Literature and Culture Association; Editor: Teaching Austria
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