This post is in response to Mr. Mixon's post concerning the NSS

I think Mr. Mixon is just being modest.

His attendance record is an amazing accomplishment, and to add to that
he gave speeches and handed out awards.     There have been others like
him with such attendance records.    I think the record is 51 consecutive

For those of you who have never attended such an event, the sessions he
is referring to, are programs presented by cavers that are usually about some
new discovery or new technique.       I think it was in Alabama that Mr. Stone
presented his Mars cave probe project.     That was certainly fascinitating.
Last year in Washington, a young teenager wowed us with an incredible program
on his speleological theories.

The parties he refers to have been described by some as "too loud."     These
parties involve food, live music dancing, and if your lucky, maybe
more.    There
are also campsite socials where people just sit around and have fun.

The banquet he is referring to is sort of the grand finale of the
Convention.   However, in my opinion, it is too long and the food is
usually cafeteria style.
But this is where the NSS presents it's honorable awards, so it has some
formality to it.

The salons are where you get to see what other cavers do with their talents
in art, cartography, & photography, etc.     This is like going to a
museum and some of the exhibits are really cool.     The finale is a slide
show accompanied by music.     This is everybody's favorite event.   Some
people just come to the convention for one day, to see the slide show.   So
it is held in a big auditorium.     This too becomes a long drawn out event, and
you will see a few ol' timers snoring.

In my opinion, what is so great about the convention, is that the local cavers
roll out the red carpet for you, and you get to see and do things that
you otherwise
would have never seen, or especially seen with the accompany of other cavers.

And there are conventions, where you can go caving.    West Virginia
was certainly
one of those.

The Texas NSS Convention is only about 711 days away, and it is supposed to
be really really big ( and hot ! )

David Locklear

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