And LET ME - Not David Locklear this time - make this assertion/prediction:
If you think your electric bill is high now - just wait until you charge up
your car every night with house current!
I will bet that you're looking at a $500 per month increase (above your $200
to $300 per month bill) if you get an electric car and IF the grid can
support millions of people going "electric".....
A guy who can appreciate what energy it takes to move a couple of tons
around -

On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 7:39 PM, Mike Flannigan <> wrote:

> That is the same media who tells us every couple months
> about cars that run on water.  What morons.
> Mike
> On Mon, 23 Jun 2008, wrote:
> >
> >Very interesting. I knew that we don't "make" hydrogen, but that's the
> term the media uses when reporting it.
> >
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