The Association for Mexican Cave Studies will have a sales table at the TSA convention next weekend. It will be open intermittently on Saturday and maybe a couple of hours on Sunday morning. I will have stocks of only the things that the AMCS has published since the last TSA spring convention, but if anyone wants to buy or inspect anything else in the AMCS catalog at, let me know and I'll take it to the event.

The new AMCS pubs are

AMCS Activities Newsletter 30, 166 pages, June 2007, $14

AMCS Bulletin 18, "Modeling the Groundwater Catchment of the Sian Ka'an Reserve, Quintana Roo" 209 pages, 2007, $15

AMCS Bulletin 19, "Proceedings of the X, XI, and XII International Symposia on Vulcanospeleology," 305 pages, 2008, $15

Association for Mexican Cave Studies Newsletter, vols 1-5 (1965-1977). Total 885 pages plus 19 foldout-size maps. PDF files on CD. $3. (This is a prior title to the current AMCS Activities Newsletter, with separate numbering.)

AMCS Activities Newsletter number 1-10 (1975-1979). >400 pages total. PDF files on CD. $3.

AMCS Reprints 4 and 5: "Las Cavernas de Cerro Grande, Estados Colima y Jalisco" 144 pages (original 1988, paper AMCS reprint 2002) and "Las Cavernas de la Sirra Gorda" ~400 pages (original 1986, paper AMCS reprint 2002). Together as PDF files on a CD. $3.

--Bill Mixon, AMCS sales
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