Donald Davis said:

>More recently I believe the rules are much tighter, but it has still been 
>possible for authorized research teams to land in remote parts of the Park

      A few years ago Bill Stone and a small group of us considered trying to 
dive the sump at the back of Thunder River Cave in the Grand Canyon.  Bill 
thought the only practical way to approach the problem would be to have a 
helicopter bring in the dive gear and a compressor.  Although we never made a 
formal application to do the dive, we got the impression from people we talked 
with that a helicopter would never be allowed there.

      On the other hand, extraordinary circumstances allow for extraordinary 
privileges.  During Emily's rescue at Lechuguilla back in 1991, a few of us got 
flown from Carlsbad Caverns park headquarters out to the Lechuguilla entrance.  
The feds picked up the tab for that one.  I remember commenting on the ride as 
we swept low over the ridges that that would be the ideal way to look for caves.

Mark Minton
NMCAVER mailing list

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