
As the discussion in question is relevant caving business, I will give
my opinion. I doubt whether few if any cavers are members of 

TSA solely to receive The Caver. So, going electronically should not
diminish the membership rolls. Changing the format, making it available
to all with its beautiful pictures and most interesting and informative
information, may increase membership. It should have a membership
application in each issue. I assume that when sent electronically the
cost is the same regardless of the number of recipients. This sounds
like a money saving idea for the association but I will miss the hard
copy in its book configuration.




From: [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 11:41 AM
To: Charles Goldsmith
Cc: Kara Savvas; Johnson, Russ (ATX);; Scott
Subject: [ot_caving] RE: TexasCaver


Thanks, Charles.


Actually, I have received more compliments than complaints on the TC, so
I shouldn't bitch.


The issue of electronic format versus paper has reared its head more
times  than I can count and it is usually the more
"chronologically-challenged" curmudgeons that shoot it down.


At this past TSA business meeting, it was decided that me and two other
volunteers would look in to a two-tiered membership program that would
have reduced fees for those getting the TC electronically.


We just would have to make sure that with these reduced fees, the TC
would still pay for itself and that the TSA would remain viable.


The other concern, mine included, would be that this file would be sent
all over the place, and even to cavers that weren't members.


heck, if they can get it for free, why join the TSA?


This is probably the main reason a lot of folks are against this. I know
when I was doing the DFWG newsletter, it was the reasoning against going


We'll have something by the spring convention and business meeting.


The other hurdle, if the above was passed, is actually emailing the TC.
Even in compressed PDF format, the TC is quite huge.


(I like a lot of pictures!).


A boycott wouldn't be the answer, IMHO. Having a LOT of like-minded
members at the next meeting where we can vote this thru would be the


So far, democracy is keeping this from going forward.


Gotta love it!









From: Charles Goldsmith []
Sent: Tue 1/15/2008 1:18 PM
To: Alman, Mark @ IRP
Cc: Kara Savvas; Johnson, Russ (ATX);; Scott
Subject: TexasCaver

Thank you Mark, the outpouring of thanks I've received today was very

Speaking of the TexasCaver and a thankless job of the editor, great job
on the newsletters, I enjoy them immensely and need to renew my

I'll ask on here, because I know its been a touchy subject on the main
list before, but why in hell do we not go to an electronic format?  That
would save you a lot of time, printing and mailing them, and we would
get full color magazines.  This is after all 2008 and printed material
only costs more money and time. 

Would a boycott be in order to get some older, hard-headed people to
embrace the technology of today?

Charles, grandmaster of soap-boxing today

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