Somehow I ended up on the TSA format war committee along with
George-Paul of the Houston Grotto.  I'm not sure what our strategy
will be.  You should hear back from us at some point on this.  There
were a few ideas tossed around at the meeting last Saturday, so we
have some stuff to chew on already.


On 16 Jan 2008 17:40:22 -0000,  <> wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
> To: "Charles Goldsmith" <>
> Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2008 11:40:44 -0600
> Subject: RE: TexasCaver
> Thanks, Charles.
> Actually, I have received more compliments than complaints on the TC, so I 
> shouldn't bitch.
> The issue of electronic format versus paper has reared its head more times  
> than I can count and it is usually the more "chronologically-challenged" 
> curmudgeons that shoot it down.
> At this past TSA business meeting, it was decided that me and two other 
> volunteers would look in to a two-tiered membership program that would have 
> reduced fees for those getting the TC electronically.
> We just would have to make sure that with these reduced fees, the TC would 
> still pay for itself and that the TSA would remain viable.
> The other concern, mine included, would be that this file would be sent all 
> over the place, and even to cavers that weren't members.
> heck, if they can get it for free, why join the TSA?
> This is probably the main reason a lot of folks are against this. I know when 
> I was doing the DFWG newsletter, it was the reasoning against going 
> electronic.
> We'll have something by the spring convention and business meeting.
> The other hurdle, if the above was passed, is actually emailing the TC. Even 
> in compressed PDF format, the TC is quite huge.
> (I like a lot of pictures!).
> A boycott wouldn't be the answer, IMHO. Having a LOT of like-minded members 
> at the next meeting where we can vote this thru would be the best.
> So far, democracy is keeping this from going forward.
> Gotta love it!
> Later,
> Mark

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