I had some guy pitch the aluminum bottle as an engineering marvel that makes
beer colder somehow... I think the reality of the matter is that aluminum
conducts heat far better than glass, so when you put your hand around an
aluminum bottle, all the cold from your beer inside is quickly and
efficiently being transfered to your warm hand.  Glass on the other hand
will stay cold on its inner wall and warm on its outer- making it seem like
the beer is warmer.

In short: aluminum cans and bottles will not only get colder in your cooler
quicker, but also get warmer in your hand quicker.


On 10/29/07, Minton, Mark <mmin...@nmhu.edu> wrote:
>        David Locklear said:
> >What is up with the aluminum bottle?
> >Is the only benefit, colder beer?     Or colder beer for less energy?
>       I don't think beer in an aluminum bottle is any different than beer
> in an aluminum can.  It certainly won't get any colder.  It's just a can of
> a different shape - a marketing gimmick.
> >Is that better for the environment than a glass bottle?
>       Depends on how you look at it.  Aluminum is almost certainly more
> environmentally damaging to produce than glass, but on the other hand, it
> won't break and leave sharp shards lying around.  Aluminum is also lighter
> weight, so it takes less energy to transport.  Biologically, glass is pretty
> inert, whereas aluminum has been implicated toxicologically in a few areas
> for both plants and animals.  I don't see a clear advantage either way.
> Mark Minton

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