As a Bush supporter (conservative old fart, oops, geezer) I could take
exception to this, but I don't. I hear this kind of stuff frequently
from my two daughters and others. I think that most of us who supported
Bush's and the congress' decision to go into Irac  after the dastardly
act of 9-11-01 have long ago had second thoughts about that decision. We
should have just killed Sadam and left them to their own devices. Now
the debate is which will hurt the U.S. more, leaving or staying. With
every American and Allied death I know which way I am leaning, on this




From: Jon Cradit [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 4:34 PM
To: Nico Escamilla; Stefan Creaser
Cc: Fritz Holt; Nancy Weaver;
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] US Border Fences 'an Eco-Danger' (Sigma Xi
Science News Daily)


Governments are governments...

It's not like us citizens have a lot to say about what stupid policies
the politicians practice,

...water or war or fences to nowhere.

We need to not point fingers at the citizens that live there, or

We are a caving community that needs each other. 

I know the world points its finger at us U.S. citizens for what Bush is

But most don't blame us individually.  Like that great bumper sticker
sez; Bush, like a rock, only dumber  



-----Original Message-----
From: Nico Escamilla [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 3:15 PM
To: Stefan Creaser
Cc: Fritz Holt; Nancy Weaver;
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] US Border Fences 'an Eco-Danger' (Sigma Xi
Science News Daily)


Alright will y'all stop whining about this?

There are Mexicans (myself, fofo and others) on this list, so stop
generalizing about Mexicans !!

On 8/2/07, Stefan Creaser <> wrote:

Before this gets out of hand can I request we all put a stop to this
blaming of Mexico/Mexicans for (insert something).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Fritz Holt [mailto:
<> ]
> Right, thanks to all of the crop irrigation downstream from
> El Paso and
> the dam on Concho upriver from Presidio. But, the Mexican
> government and
> citizens would not have Lake Amistad were it not for the U.S.
> Fritz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Weaver []
> Sent: Thursday, August 02, 2007 9:36 AM 
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Texascavers] US Border Fences 'an Eco-Danger' (Sigma Xi
> Science News Daily)
> of course, if it weren't for Mexico, there would be no water in the 
> Rio Grande whatsoever in Texas.

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