David Locklear said:

Sears now sells some automotive tools that come in a pretty blue titanium color.

     I don't think the blue color of those tools is due to the titanium, at 
least not to the usual titanium nitride hard coating that is typically applied 
to tools.  That stuff is gold colored.  It is typically applied to prevent 
surface wear, which wouldn't be much of an issue with wrenches.  I'll bet that 
color is just to make you want them more.  ;-)

would you feel safer rappeling on a rack or a clipped to a carabiner that is 
coated in some kind of shiny color made of titanium dioxide versus aluminum 

     The only purpose of those coatings is to help prevent wear.  The fact that 
they are colored does make wear more noticeable once the coating is gone and 
you're down to the metal below.  The only reason to choose one over the other 
would be how well it wears.  In my limited experience, the titanium nitride 
hard coatings are not as robust as aluminum oxide anodizing (not a coating so 
much as a surface treatment), but perhaps the coating was not as thick, even if 
it is technically harder.  I have not heard of titanium dioxide coatings.

Mark Minton

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