All, my questions and comments are below:

-----Original Message-----
From: Butch Fralia [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 3:25 PM
To: Alman, Mark @ IRP; 'Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith'
Cc: 'John P. Brooks';
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

The first thing I need you to do is go out to the site and register so I
can set you up as administrator/moderator.  

How do I do this or is it not set up yet? I was unable to locate it on
the webpage.

We'll need to get rid of the test forums that are in place and set up
the forums like you'll want them.  Do we want to let non-members read
the forums, some of the forums or block all access for non-registered
users.  I'll have the registrations forward to you and you'll have to
check them against your list and approve them.

It's up to y'all, but my feeling is to let non-members be able to read
them, but, you must be a paid and registered TSA member to post or

Also, I think the way the Maverick Grotto does their newsletters is
good, in that, you must be a paid member to look at the most recent
TC's. If you're not a paid
Member, maybe we can let them look at the 1st quarter issue.

Charles suggested that the TC's could be downloadable by members only
through the BBS software.  I think that's doable but will have to check
up on it.

You can check out for forum examples.  We'll probably
want to have a rules section that anyone can read.

Again I probably can't do much with it this week but wanted you to be
thinking about it.


Finally, do we want to have sub-sections in the forums sections, i.e.,
project section, trip section, Grotto section, TSA Business section,
etc. or is this too much?

However y'all want to do it and thanks so much, Butch and Pete, for
undertaking this challenging and, hopefully, groundbreaking task for the


-----Original Message-----
From: Alman, Mark @ IRP []
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 2:51 PM
To:; Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith
Cc: John P. Brooks;
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion


Yes, I did, Butch and I think it's a great idea, especially if it helps
TSA be more of a "full service" website.

I have no problem with being the moderator, if this is OK with John and
everyone else.

Just let me know what I need to do and I can send you the members list,
they can apply for access and I approve? Is this how it would work?

I'm also glad to hear that y'all have room for old TC's. Let me know
you want them and if we could get the other old TC's from the prior
the better.



-----Original Message-----
From: Butch Fralia [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 1:36 PM
To: 'Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith'; Alman, Mark @ IRP
Cc: 'John P. Brooks'; 'Nico Escamilla'; 'David Locklear';
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion


Did you get the e-mail I sent about having a forum set up on
It's BBS and not a mailing list, are you to be a moderator and screen
as TSA members?


-----Original Message-----
From: Charles 'wokka' Goldsmith []
Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 11:17 AM
To: Alman, Mark @ IRP
Cc: John P. Brooks; Nico Escamilla; David Locklear;
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion

I don't do the TSA website, I'll copy Butch and Pete on this and see 
what they say about it.  Putting up the old issues would be great in my 


Alman, Mark @ IRP wrote:
> Good to hear, Charles.
> I think a "Members Only" section would be great, as well as a
> link/plug for CaveTex and how to join, what it is, etc.
> Would there be adequate server space for old issues of the Texas
> Caver?
> It's up to y'all/membership if we'd want to put these in the Members
> Only section, but, I have pdf's of all the ones I've done.
> Some good thoughts and discussions going on, and, hey, they're
> actually constructive AND positive!
> Keep up the great work on CaveTex and the TSA site!
> Later,
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Saturday, September 02, 2006 1:21 AM
> To: John P. Brooks
> Cc: Nico Escamilla; Alman, Mark @ IRP; David Locklear
> Subject: Re: [Texascavers] The TSA purpose - another opinion
> Yes, with most forum software, especially phpbb, having a public
> section and a members only section would be very easy.  I understand 
> that Butch and Pete are working on some new things for the TSA site.  
> It's in very capable hands.
>> I would prefer to see this type of system set up on the TSA website.
>> It would draw cavers to our website...and create a way for the TSA to

>> more effectively communicate with its members...and its prospective
>> member base. And members and prospective members would have an 
>> opportunity to see and explore the wealth of information on our 
>> website. And the increased traffic might supply the traffic for an on

>> line store. Everyone says they want a stronger more active TSA that
>> does a number of new things for its its time that we 
>> gave the TSA the tools it needs to reach out and grow.
>> I acknowledge what a wonderful tool cavetex has been for Texas
>> And Charles and Bill desire our gratitude for keeping this going. But

>> if you guys want a vibrant organization...we need to make decisions 
>> beneficial to that end.


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