It would be fine with me if any organization that wanted one could have
a private members area. Once KIP got set up for that, it should be
pretty simple to offer it to anyone. Still sort of defeats the purpose
of open access, though. Generally speaking, cave location information
is not considered particularly sensitive in most parts of the world.
The U. S. seems to be especially concerned, perhaps occasionally
justifiably so, but mostly I think it's just paranoia.


On Wed, December 10, 2014 10:19 am, R D Milhollin via Texascavers wrote:
> Mark,
> My understanding is that the KIP is an international repository, so the
> "member's only" access limitation you suggest would have to be extended to
> all nation's "National" Speleological Association in order to be fair.
> Perhaps the NSS Archives Committee could be encouraged to set up a similar
> service but only for US cave-related organization's publications. Since
> the scanned newsletters are already in place on KIP, transferring those to
> that new "local" portal would seem to be a pretty simple process, and the
> collection could reside behind the NSS member "paywall".
> RD
>       From: Mark Minton via Texascavers <texascavers@texascavers.com>
>  To: texascavers@texascavers.com
>  Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 9:03 AM
>  Subject: [Texascavers] Karst Information Portal
> George,
>   According to the Karst Information Portal home page, grotto newsletters
> are soon to be withdrawn from open access. That seems like addressing
> the potential problem of location information with a sledgehammer.
> What's the point of having things on KIP if no one can get to them?
> Maybe they should be put into a special "members only" area where NSS
> members can log in with their NSS number and some other credentials to
> see the newsletters. I've been actively promoting editors to make their
> newsletters available through KIP and many have agreed. Now that all
> looks like it might have been for naught. :-(
> Mark

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