Just found the Texas Caver article about the Birthday Passage in Palmito
(Bustamante), complete with map, thanks to Bill Mixon's list of Mexico
items in TC at <http://www.mexicancaves.org/library/TCbiblio.html>. It
was the January, 1970 issue, so it's been known for about 45 years.
There's nothing on the map called the Cloud Room, although there is a
Grapefruit Room. That's likely too far back for a drone to have reached,
though. It's been too long since I was there to remember where else such
formations might have been visible.


On Thu, December 18, 2014 12:59 pm, Mark Minton via Texascavers wrote:
> Nico,
>    I think you're right. The photo looks like something in the Birthday
> Passage, known for 30 years or more to Texans. It's a sporting and
> exposed climb to get up there, so maybe the coahuilense thought it
> hadn't been done. Hopefully they won't get credit for long, once
> someone points out the true history of the cave.
> Mark Minton
> mmin...@caver.net
>On Wed, December 17, 2014 10:00 pm, Nico Escamilla via Texascavers wrote:
>> While browsing the news today I found an article on the El Norte website
>> about in Grutas del Palmito aka Bustamante, said article talks about the
>> "new discoveries" made in the cave by members of the asociacion
>> de espeleologia, or aceac using a drone to film upper levels of the cave
>> and mentioned the uniqueness of the speleothems found in that "newly found
>> part of the cave"
>> The reason why Im using quotes is because the article features a prominent
>> picture of the Cloud Room, and correct me if Im wrong but, hasnt that part
>> of the cave been explored for decades? Heck, I was even there almost 10
>> years ago!!!!
>> Looks like someone is taking undeserved credit here..
>> link to the article <Descubren nuevos salones en grutas Félix Barrón
>> Monterrey, México (17 diciembre 2014).- Una investigación realizada
>> recientemente por especialistas de la Asociación Coahuilense de
>> Espeleologí­a en las Grutas de Bustamante descubrió nuevos salones con
>> formaciones únicas en el País. A través de un dron, que captó
>> imágenes en
>> la parte superior de las grutas, exploradas hasta ahora en un 10 por
>> ciento, reveló espeleotemas que comprueban la antigüedad de la
>> formación y
>> su importancia. "Tiene todo tipo de espeleotemas registrados, espeleotemas
>> únicos en México y al aparecer en Latinoamérica", expresó en rueda de
>> prensa Ana Gabriela Morales, presidenta de la Asociación Coahuilense de
>> Espeleología. Leer más:
>> http://www.elnorte.com/aplicacioneslibre/preacceso/articulo/default.aspx?id=421027&v=5&urlredirect=http://www.elnorte.com/aplicaciones/articulo/default.aspx?id=421027&v=5#ixzz3MDGsMFIL>
>> but its by subscription only

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