I'm not familiar with the name "Cloud Room" and don't have account access to 
the photo sent with your post, Nico. Can somebody snag that pic and post it in 
the clear? I will try to compare it to any photos I might have. I think I shot 
all those in B&W so may not have them readily to hand. We had a room called the 
"Snow Room" which was just about the first feature on the right after going 
through the access crawlway from the balcony into the BDP. There were some 
rather large mammiform formations toward the back of the passage--developed 
underwater--which might be construed as clouds. 
The quoted statement, "the speleothems found in that "newly found part of the 
cave" " seems to not be referencing their 'discovery' of the passage but simply 
a term to indicate that it was discovered more recently than the main part of 
the cave, as if citing something called "the New Discovery" 40 years after its 
discovery. It has to be blatantly obvious to anyone visiting the BDP that it 
has had plenty of cavers exploring it and leaving foot prints in the mud and 
mud streaks all over the formations. When I first climbed up to the balcony in 
~1969 there was already a set of footprints in the mud. But the crawlway 
leading to the rest of the BDP had not been violated, being on the floor and 
under a low ledge and not at all obvious. Whoever had preceded me had not bent 
over far enough to see it. After some time (months or years) I heard of a trip 
by TR Evans, Terry Raines, and another on which one of them (Terry, I think) 
had climbed up to the balcony but
 found no going passage. 
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