Bruce Anderson:
e-mail me so we can keep in touch. I might just come
to the mountains as soon as the snow melts and we can cook corn on the cob
for five or six.

On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 7:27 PM, Bruce Anderson via Texascavers <> wrote:

> Although I was not one of the original cooks it seems a friend by the name
> of Charlie got me involved and I cooked the corn for a number of years.
> As Charlie points out we got old although not as old as some. Cooking is
> hard work and back then we did it because we liked to cook.
> The thing is we would cook all day Saturday and then come Sunday there
> would be a huge mess to clean up with very little help.
> I've always observed that those who complained the most did little or no
> work and would show up with no food expecting to get feed all weekend.
> The thing is we have moved out of Texas to the mountains of Colorado so we
> will not be going to OTR (ya I know it now called something else).
> My suggestion is to figure out what was allocated in the fee for Saturday
> dinner. Find out what it is going to cost to have BarBQue catered. Deduct
> the old cost bump it up 15 - 20% to be sure there is enough food.
> Anyone complaint tell them it's they and those like them who never help.
> Bruce
> Charlie, party on...
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Feb 10, 2017, at 5:47 PM, Charles Loving via Texascavers <
>> wrote:
> Cooking is work. And I think that became obvious to our last head cook and
> there is little in the way of recompense other than a pat on the back. That
> only works for so long. And like I have said I was head cook for many years
> and retired. Felicia Vreeland was my second in command and ran a very tight
> ship. The whole idea started moons ago when we decided to have a caver cook
> off at a ranch in Wimberly where the old UT Grotto guys showed up. I know
> It isn't a Grotto. There were about 20 guys there and they all cooked what
> they wanted to and enough to feed the crowd. We even had stuffed jelly
> fish, which won first prize. It was pretty much fun. Lots of food and lots
> of BS. The next was a real OTR and I know I call it by the wrong name. That
> was Luckenbach the first OTR and there were maybe a dozen cooks. After that
> the group got bigger because there was some competition as to how eclectic
> we could get in our menu. Most everyone prepared 20 pounds of something.
> That kept up for at least 20 years. And as time passed some of the cooks
> actually died. Some got too old to cook and other just moved away. The core
> held on for awhile and then they decided to pass the baton. Twentyfive
> years without many new volunteers was not inspiring.
> I have done a few events since then with catering. I always used someone I
> knew really well to cater. I grew up with Jim Mosley and his brother in law
> and ate at their house and remember the Dellwood Cafeteria with Jimmy's ice
> sculptures. Long gone and long ago. His son did the HEB Thanksgiving feeds
> in SA and was excellent. He did a couple of weddings for me and they were
> great. Lots of food and variety. But I lost contact with them and all their
> eating places have closed. But I am sure someone knows a good caterer who
> would understand the drill. You give them a menu and they prepare it. I
> always think three meats and as many salad and veggies as possible and
> perhaps the cavers make the deserts? This is just an idea. BBQ works as
> well as Mexican food. There are some great BBQ places in and around
> Fredicksburg and San Antonio is a bastion of Mexican food. Ed Alexander
> once upon a time catered Luckenbach with enchiladas in 1970. But he is gone
> now to the cave in the sky.
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 2:32 PM, Don Arburn via Texascavers <
>> wrote:
>> Currently TCR doesn't have a head cook, or menu. There have been
>> complaints, rumors and talk about this subject. It seems there are three
>> options: (a) fend for yourselves, (b) caterer, (c) volunteers come forward
>> to cook.
>> Each has its benefit and drawbacks. I need to get a feel for options.
>> Discuss:
>> --Tex Caver
>> --Don
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