In Carl's message about digging open the lower entrance from inside Midnight Cave, he didn't mention what happened next--one of many stories in the lore of the Carta Valley cavers.

Carl's original version is in the chapter on Midnight Cave in his 50 Years of Texas Caving pp. 458-467.
It is better than my synopsis below.


The successful dig gave Carl Kunath, Ron Bridgemon, Chuck Pease, and Nick Lucas a rare opportunity to play a devilish trick on the other two members of the team. Jan and Orion Knox were at the back of the cave where they had pushed through the tortuous Corkscrew into a significant unexplored section of the cave.

The dig crew exited the new entrance, walked over to the pit entrance, and pulled up the rope. They reentered through the lower entrance and met up with Jan and Orion, who were not told of the discovery. Arriving at the bottom of the pit entrance to find no rope, the conspirators feigned dismay and consternation, but were disappointed at the calm reaction of Jan and Orion. A brief quest for another way out surprised them with sunlight coming through the new entrance.
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