On Jan 5, 2015, at 11:15 PM, Allan Odgaard <mailingl...@textmate.org> wrote:

> Control-option + arrow keys could be used. They are bound to sub-word 
> movement, which control + arrow keys are also bound to.
> Though users of Spaces may like control + arrow keys to be used to move 
> between spaces, and that’s why TextMate also provide them on control-option.

Alright, I’ll implement the arrow keys with ⌃⌥ for now, at least it’s better 
than nothing.

> As for your current choice of ⌃W for “Remove Current Split: ⌃W”. This key is 
> “Select Word” and (more importantly) Extend Selection to Include Next, which 
> is a very useful action that we do not want to eclipse.

Aha, I did not notice this conflict. In the interest of keeping the shortcuts 
consistent with each other I think all of them should be changed again. I 
propose these:

Split Vertically: ⌃⌥D
Split Horizontally: ⌃⌥⇧D
Remove Current Split: ⌃⌥W
Remove Other Splits: ⌃⌥⇧W

so that all the split related command would use ⌃⌥ as their base. Are there any 
conflicts with these that I have missed?

> I’ll read this thread more thoroughly (hopefully in a few days) when I’ve 
> pruned my current backlog.

That sounds great. Thanks.

Steven Clukey
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