CULTURAL QA07-2021-10

Being  a compilation there may  be errors 

Q1         Whatshould a wife do if her husband treats her badly but she doesn't 
want to leavehis home due to her kids?

A1          Rukmini Hindupur Livesin Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (1986–present) 

There are many such housewives in our country, facing daily insults 
andoppression but have to continue to live in that house because she has 
nowhereto go and no means to be independent.

I know one such woman whose life turned complete hell after marriage butshe is 
continuing since thirty years.

I will call her Vani.

Vani was a post graduate and was working as a teacher in a privateschool. She 
was a good looking woman by normal standards but not very smart.

She was sought as a Daughter in law by a well to do family for their onlyson.

But the son himself was a man given to falling for multiple girls. Hedidn’t 
want to marry vani.

But his parents who knew his loose nature wanted to tie him up to a girlwho was 
their choice.

Vani’s parents were also greedy and didn’t want to lose the opportunityto give 
their daughter into a rich family even though they knew that the guydidn’t want 
to marry their daughter.

The guy’s parents used all their manipulative powers and forced the soninto the 
marriage. May be vani also didn’t take his unwillingness seriously.

Her life became hell from day one. The guy never missed a chance toinsult her 
even in public. His mother too was an aggressive woman. She alsotaunted her 

But all this didn’t stop her from giving birth to three children.

Q2         WhyIAS officer are allocated one state after training in LBS Academy 
and remainsthere till the age of 60 and become closer to politicians of that 

A2          D D Rishi Former IRS | Ph.D.(Law) | Advocate | Story Writer Wed

IAS officers deal mainly with lower levels of local administration andall 
official work is done in the local language. Hence, knowledge of locallanguage 
is absolutely necessary for them. If they are to be shifted from onestate to 
another, they will have to learn a new language each time. Therefore,there are 
practical difficulties in having a system of interstate transfers.

Q3         Whodo you love the most in life, your parents, your wife, or your 

A3          Bhuvana Rameshwar marriedfor three decades Mon

To be honest…

I loved my parents a lot. Especially my father.  He was too modern in thinking 
compared to thetimes then. He made us very confident. But as we grew our 
generation gap becametoo visible in our choices, views, judgements and analysis 
of people,happenings and things. They are different and more strict in 

Similarly my son, we love him very much. But he is also a differentgeneration 
and often our tastes are different from each other, we clash in ourviews, 
choice of films, books, actors and TV programmes although most often weshare 
the same humour, thoughts and ideas. We both love food and food -experiments. 
We are quite close too. He too loves drives and travelling.

That leaves my husband. We both gel well mainly because we lived togetherfor 
almost three decades and thus are now so similar in our thoughts, words 
anddeeds. May be we influenced each other.

We plan alike, judge alike and have similar likes. Both of us love cardrives, 
travelling, being amidst nature, visiting historical ruins and areamicable. 
This is because we belong to the same generation and are bothstudents of 
science. But even today I don't like his choices of my clothes andhe with my 
choices of his T-shirts, shirts etc. We have different sweets andsavouries as 
favourites too. But still these don't matter. So I love him themost of all 
these three.

Q4         WhichROS unit is best?

A4          You must be having astorage tank on top of your building or house. 
So that is enough and any kindof filter will work.

As a Water expert my only advice is buy a RO ( if that’s what you have 
inmind)in which TDS level can be easily adjusted. Keep TDS around 200 plus. 
Thisis as per Indian standard IS: 10500. You can google and download it. Its 
amisconception that ROs are perfect . No they are not. Lately there have 
beenreports of finding very minute plastic particles in treated RO Water which 
isagain not a good sign.Even technicians who install will come only with a 
TDSmeter whereas pH of Water is also to be kept around 7.0. Anything above 
thislevel is acidic and below alkaline.

The advice is get something which can work for the kind of water you 
aregetting. More or less municipal suppliescome with good degree of 
quality.Sometimes there is odour or sediments when the source is surface water 
andrains may have taken place. Odour generally is lowered but not 
completelyeliminated. By keeping Water in open container odour will reduce.

Sediments are removed by the most primary candle based filters as well.

Go by your budget and not by advertisements. Higher cost investment doesnot 
mean quality of water, necessarily. 

Q5         Canan asteroid cause human extinction?

A5          Claire Jordan Worked atNational Health Service (NHS)Tue

The problem was that the asteroid which killed the non-avian dinosaurshit at a 
shallow angle in soft rock, spraying debris into the atmosphere. Itset off 
wide-spread tsunamis and firestorms, which was bad enough, but the ashin the 
air was the killer because it caused a “nuclear winter”, and combined with- or 
set off - a major super-volcanic eruption which also added ash to the air.Most 
plant life died back to seeds and bulbs for years. Insects did OK becausethey 
could live on dead wood, and small vertebrates which could live on insectsand 
seeds were OK, but larger herbivores starved to death, and then the 
largecarnivores which fed on them.

Q6         Whichis the world's deepest swimming pool?

A6          Gopala Krishnan , formerAssistant General Manager 1996-2004 at 
Department of Telecom (1966-2004) Answered5h ago

The world's deepest pool is located at Nad Al Sheba--25 minutes fromDubai 
International Airport

Around 56 underwater cameras cover all angles of the pool with advancedsound 
and lightings

Q7  About to move in to my first rental apartment inNYC. Heat and hot water are 
included in rent. I signed up for my utilities tostart soon, but how will the 
utility company know that my landlord is coveringheat and hot water and not 
charge me?

A7          Gopala Krishnan, formerRetired Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 
at Department of Telecom(1966-2004)Answered 12h ago

You are renting the apartment. So utility bills will come in the name ofland 
lord. You can intimate him to pay. If the land lard ask you to pay, deductfrom 
rent and intimate accordingly

Q8         Doestaking a bath actually clean you?

A8          4 Answers Barbara JeanOrse , former Retired RN Answered 18h ago

Assuming you are using soap and warm water, a bath will get you clean.However, 
if a person is really dirty, there is a risk that dirt in the watercould be 
re-deposited on skin and hair. Soap and shampoo emulsify the dirt andoil, but 
running water is required to wash it away. Showers do this mostefficiently but 
draining the tub and refilling to rinse would also work. Aftera bath I always 
take a quick rinse in the shower to remove lingering soapyresidue.

2ND ANSWER- JudiWigren , Raised three healthy,contributing citizens, taught 
hundreds more. Answered 15h ago

A bath can get you somewhat clean IF you rinse yourself thoroughlyafterwards. 
Just soaking in your own dirty water is not adequate. The Japanesedo it right, 
soaping and scrubbing, then rinsing before getting into thecommunal baths. None 
of them would dream of washing their soils off In the sametub where they have a 
relaxing soak.

3RD ANSWER- JaneAdams Answered 18h ago

Yes, if you use soap and water (and shampoo, if your hair is dirty). 
Washingwith plain water does not get all the dirt, sweat, oils, germs, and body 
odoroff you.

Showers can be hazardous for some people due to slipping and falling inthe tub. 
Or having to stand on one leg while shaving the other. That’s askingto lose 
your balance and fall.

4TH ANSWER- GopalaKrishnan, former Retired Assistant General Manager 1996-2004 
at Department ofTelecom (1966-2004)Answered 12h ago

Yes. If you apply toilet soap, and bath. If oil is applied and bath istaken 
skin absorbs oil and become soft. Oil bath in rivers is more preferred.In 
bathrooms, the removed oil may falling on the bathroom floor and 
becomeslippery. You have to perfectly clean bathroom using oil removing items 

Q9         Aquestion for all Malayalis who are residing outside Kerala. Would 
you everconsider returning to the state? What would make you shift?

A9          Rini George Lives inIndiaJune 9

I would consider returning to Kerala, not in near future but after bothme and 
my husband retire that would be approximately 30–33 years from now, ifwe are 
alive till then. 

Major reasons for moving back would be :

For a calm and quiet life.For cleaner fresh air.

For better healthcare.For taking care of our home and ancestral 
property.Forstaying close to our roots

For spending time with parents,friends and family.

Also because where else would I see such greenery and beauty in a city.

Q10              Doyou like wearing bindi daily? why or why not?

A10        Ramya Annadurai TechnicalWriter (2007–present) Mon

Yes. I love bindi and wear it everyday. 

Wearing bindi gives a refreshed look to my face.

Even, I made my Susru to wear Kajal Bindi in Forehead, Cheeks and Chin,till he 
turned 2.

I love designer bindi’s and wearing stoned bindi matching to my outfitsgives a 
joy to me always.

All the above QA are based onQuora digest on 10-07- 2021/Answered by me. Quora 
answersneed not be 100% correct answers 

Compiled and posted by R. Gopala krishnan on10- 07-2021

Thisposting has 1745  WORDS  and approx. 174  sentences. 

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