I was told that nasthika means not accepting the existence of a deity in the 
murthy. Asthika says asthi - meaning the deity is there and nasthika says na 
asthi - it is not there. I don't think nasthika means that there is no 
bhaghavan at all. Corrolory - muslims are nasthikas because they say that allah 
cannot be depicted but agree that allah exists. 

    On Saturday, 2 December, 2023 at 10:39:30 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy 
<keyarinc...@gmail.com> wrote:  
Fanatical atheism" typically refers to an extreme and uncompromising form of 
atheism, where individuals vehemently reject the existence of any deities or 
supernatural entities and actively oppose or criticize religious beliefs. It's 
important to note that atheism itself is simply the lack of belief in gods or 
deities, and not all atheists are fanatical or extreme in their views.

Fanatical atheism might manifest as aggressive criticism of religion, 
intolerance towards religious practices, and a strong commitment to promoting 
secularism. It can sometimes be associated with anti-theism, which goes beyond 
mere disbelief in gods to actively opposing the influence of religion in 

As with any belief system, it's essential to recognize that individuals within 
a particular group can have a wide range of perspectives and attitudes. Not all 
atheists hold fanatical views, and many engage in respectful dialogue with 
people of different religious beliefs. As with any worldview, it's important to 
approach discussions about atheism or religion with an open mind and a 
willingness to engage in respectful and constructive conversations.

In shadows deep, where reason reigns,

A whispered creed, unbound by chains.Fanatical atheism, bold and stark,A 
skeptic's quest, in shadows dark.

No gods above to guide the way,No cosmic hand in night or day.The skeptic's 
gaze, sharp and keen,In realms unseen, no gods are seen.

With logic's sword, they cut through mist,Dismiss the tales that preachers 
twist.In fervent doubt, their minds take flight,Rejecting dogma, embracing 

No prayers ascend, no hymns resound,In reason's temple, truth is found.The 
fanatical atheist stands tall,Against the gods, against the fall.

Yet in their passion, let them see,That empathy and grace can be.For varied 
minds in this grand play,Each seeking truth in their own way.

Fanaticism, a double-edged sword,In skepticism, let love be stored.For in the 
quest for what is true,May understanding bloom and grow. K Rajaram IRS 2 12 23 

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Markendeya Yeddanapudi <markandeya101...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 at 09:13
Subject: The Paradox of Fanatical Atheism
To: ggroup <society4servingseni...@googlegroups.com>, thatha patty 
<thatha_patty@googlegroups.com>, <vignanadarshini....@gmail.com>, Satyanarayana 
Kunamneni <ksn...@gmail.com>, <rctatelang...@gmail.com>, viswanatham vangapally 
<viswam.vangapa...@gmail.com>, Kunamneni Satyanarayana <ksn...@yahoo.co.in>, 
Rajaram Krishnamurthy <keyarinc...@gmail.com>, Ramamurti PV 
<ramu142...@yahoo.co.in>, Rangarajan T.N.C. <tncrangara...@yahoo.com>, Ramu S 
<peacebl...@gmail.com>, Deepali Hadker <deepalihad...@sterlingengg.com>, 
Krishnamacharyulu Nanduri <nkrishna0...@gmail.com>

MarTheParadox of Fanatical Atheism

Theday today culture of living standardizes the internal hormonal 
communicationcreated by the bloodstream.Today; machines determine and govern 
our day today life.We no longer trust nature, and leave to nature our living. 
We no longerunderstand by feeling nature directly as part of nature. We have 
become themachine fanatics. We are loyal to Rene Descartes, and treat every 
life form asan emotionless and feelings less machine. Our hormonal 
communication is takenover by machines.

Theparadox is while every organism is striving and struggling to live in nature 
asnature, we the humans are trying to be machines, the Robots. It appears 
thatGod is staying in every life form while the same God is refusing to enter 
us.The pineal gland is not working, as God has vacated it. Rene Descartes 
blundered,but his Cartesian approach, and mechanization vandalizes, devastates 
anddestroys nature. We have been cyborging nature with 
industrialization,urbanization and with many technologies including the GM 
intrusion into ourfoods.

Theismflowing from the Theosphere was part of the Troposphere. We breathed 
belief innature continuously, and breathing created and governed the emotional 
routineof life.Nature, when free, flashed brilliant and shattering revelations 
asenlightenments continuously. It took over the hormonal communication of 
everyorganism, and created the grand coordination of the hormonal communication 
ofevery organism. The Biosphere functioned as one single organism. Every 
organismwas a student in the symbiotic learning from nature. 

Naturewas the ultimate college.God, the teacher could be smelt and breathing 
was learning.As God partnered there was no need for any definition and scope 
clutch. In factone could start from anywhere without beginning with definitions 
and scopes.Learning was participation in nature as nature. Every organism 
joined the greatcollege instantly after birth, and there was no definition 
hurdle. One startedwithout definitions, just breathing was the start.

Nowwe have created the economic man, that Darwinian monster, fighting in 
theSocial Darwinism, to become the successful rogue. To be the economic man he 
hastaken to Atheism, the euphemism for mechanization of everything.

Canwe remove emotions and emotional communication from our and also the 
hormonalcommunications of all organisms of the Biosphere, without becoming 
extinct? Butthe fanatical atheism that bludgeons mechanization and removal of 
nature inevery activity is now in terrible frenzy.

Thereis an urgent need to create areas where there is no technology at all and 
wherethere is no economic tampering by humans. We are now confronting the 
ultimate paradox,the Atheist who defends technology emotionally! 

Robotsare creating poems and songs, very precise, accurate etc where no 
professionaleditor can change. But they do not touch our internal hormonal 
communication.When machines do the loving and living for us atheistically, 
where are we goingand where is aesthetics?



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