My main point is that machines have become Gods.

On Sat, Dec 2, 2023 at 10:58 AM Rangarajan T.N.C. <>

> I was told that nasthika means not accepting the existence of a deity in
> the murthy. Asthika says asthi - meaning the deity is there and nasthika
> says na asthi - it is not there. I don't think nasthika means that there is
> no bhaghavan at all. Corrolory - muslims are nasthikas because they say
> that allah cannot be depicted but agree that allah exists.
> On Saturday, 2 December, 2023 at 10:39:30 am IST, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>> wrote:
> Fanatical atheism" typically refers to an extreme and uncompromising form
> of atheism, where individuals vehemently reject the existence of any
> deities or supernatural entities and actively oppose or criticize religious
> beliefs. It's important to note that atheism itself is simply the lack of
> belief in gods or deities, and not all atheists are fanatical or extreme in
> their views.
> Fanatical atheism might manifest as aggressive criticism of religion,
> intolerance towards religious practices, and a strong commitment to
> promoting secularism. It can sometimes be associated with anti-theism,
> which goes beyond mere disbelief in gods to actively opposing the influence
> of religion in society.
> As with any belief system, it's essential to recognize that individuals
> within a particular group can have a wide range of perspectives and
> attitudes. Not all atheists hold fanatical views, and many engage in
> respectful dialogue with people of different religious beliefs. As with any
> worldview, it's important to approach discussions about atheism or religion
> with an open mind and a willingness to engage in respectful and
> constructive conversations.
> In shadows deep, where reason reigns,
> A whispered creed, unbound by chains. Fanatical atheism, bold and stark, A
> skeptic's quest, in shadows dark.
> No gods above to guide the way, No cosmic hand in night or day. The
> skeptic's gaze, sharp and keen, In realms unseen, no gods are seen.
> With logic's sword, they cut through mist, Dismiss the tales that
> preachers twist. In fervent doubt, their minds take flight, Rejecting
> dogma, embracing light.
> No prayers ascend, no hymns resound, In reason's temple, truth is found.
> The fanatical atheist stands tall, Against the gods, against the fall.
> Yet in their passion, let them see, That empathy and grace can be. For
> varied minds in this grand play, Each seeking truth in their own way.
> Fanaticism, a double-edged sword, In skepticism, let love be stored. For
> in the quest for what is true, May understanding bloom and grow. K Rajaram
> IRS 2 12 23
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: *Markendeya Yeddanapudi* <>
> Date: Sat, 2 Dec 2023 at 09:13
> Subject: The Paradox of Fanatical Atheism
> To: ggroup <>, thatha patty <
>>, <>,
> Satyanarayana Kunamneni <>, <>,
> viswanatham vangapally <>, Kunamneni
> Satyanarayana <>, Rajaram Krishnamurthy <
>>, Ramamurti PV <>, Rangarajan
> T.N.C. <>, Ramu S <>, Deepali
> Hadker <>, Krishnamacharyulu Nanduri <
> --
> *Mar*The Paradox of Fanatical Atheism
> The day today culture of living standardizes the internal hormonal
> communication created by the bloodstream.Today; machines determine and
> govern our day today life. We no longer trust nature, and leave to nature
> our living. We no longer understand by feeling nature directly as part of
> nature. We have become the machine fanatics. We are loyal to Rene
> Descartes, and treat every life form as an emotionless and feelings less
> machine. Our hormonal communication is taken over by machines.
> The paradox is while every organism is striving and struggling to live in
> nature as nature, we the humans are trying to be machines, the Robots. It
> appears that God is staying in every life form while the same God is
> refusing to enter us. The pineal gland is not working, as God has vacated
> it. Rene Descartes blundered, but his Cartesian approach, and mechanization
> vandalizes, devastates and destroys nature. We have been cyborging nature
> with industrialization, urbanization and with many technologies including
> the GM intrusion into our foods.
> Theism flowing from the Theosphere was part of the Troposphere. We
> breathed belief in nature continuously, and breathing created and governed
> the emotional routine of life.Nature, when free, flashed brilliant and
> shattering revelations as enlightenments continuously. It took over the
> hormonal communication of every organism, and created the grand
> coordination of the hormonal communication of every organism. The Biosphere
> functioned as one single organism. Every organism was a student in the
> symbiotic learning from nature.
> Nature was the ultimate college.God, the teacher could be smelt and
> breathing was learning. As God partnered there was no need for any
> definition and scope clutch. In fact one could start from anywhere without
> beginning with definitions and scopes. Learning was participation in nature
> as nature. Every organism joined the great college instantly after birth,
> and there was no definition hurdle. One started without definitions, just
> breathing was the start.
> Now we have created the economic man, that Darwinian monster, fighting in
> the Social Darwinism, to become the successful rogue. To be the economic
> man he has taken to Atheism, the euphemism for mechanization of everything.
> Can we remove emotions and emotional communication from our and also the
> hormonal communications of all organisms of the Biosphere, without becoming
> extinct? But the fanatical atheism that bludgeons mechanization and removal
> of nature in every activity is now in terrible frenzy.
> There is an urgent need to create areas where there is no technology at
> all and where there is no economic tampering by humans. We are now
> confronting the ultimate paradox, the Atheist who defends technology
> emotionally!
> Robots are creating poems and songs, very precise, accurate etc where no
> professional editor can change. But they do not touch our internal hormonal
> communication. When machines do the loving and living for us atheistically,
> where are we going and where is aesthetics?
> YM
> --
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