CULTURAL QA 10202403

Every day science Base Quora QA Compiled

Q1      Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?

KR       How many times this Q and A ? There is some fact in there but the
normal reader will be wondering how?  Also if the 3 conditions are the
factors how they were first considered as planet-will not some one ask. If
I say the thing correctly Mr G says it is expansion or waaste. Mr G had he
read well and analysed, could have rendered better.

2       The most notable celestial body that was "de-listed" as a planet is
Pluto. In 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) redefined the
criteria for what constitutes a planet. According to the new definition, a
celestial body must meet three criteria: (hence till 2006 was a planet)

It must orbit the Sun.

It must be spherical in shape (meaning it has enough mass for its gravity
to pull it into a round shape).

It must have "cleared the neighborhood" around its orbit, meaning it must
be gravitationally dominant and not share its orbital zone with other
bodies of comparable size.

Pluto meets the first two criteria but does not meet the third, as it
shares its orbit with other objects in the Kuiper Belt. As a result, it was
reclassified as a "dwarf planet."

Other dwarf planets include Eris, Haumea, and Makemake, which also exist in
the Kuiper Belt. This reclassification sparked a lot of debate and
discussion about planetary definitions and the status of other celestial
bodies in our solar system.


Q2      What are the uses of science to man?

G=My note- Mechanical and Electric Engineering has helped men a lot.
Transport, lighting, Heavy duty machines like lifts, cranes etc.

KR      Almost well narated but not to the point; also, why science is said
to be attaractive is omitted. O something pertinent I had to write. End
note is for Mr G

Science is vital for several reasons:

Understanding the World: Science helps us comprehend the natural world,
from the smallest particles to the vast universe. It explains phenomena,
fosters curiosity, and provides insights into how things work.

Innovation and Technology: Scientific research drives technological
advancements that improve our quality of life. Innovations in medicine,
engineering, communication, and energy stem from scientific discoveries.

Informed Decision-Making: Science provides a foundation for making informed
decisions, whether in public policy, healthcare, or environmental
management. Evidence-based approaches lead to better outcomes.

Problem-Solving: Science helps us tackle global challenges like climate
change, disease outbreaks, and food security by offering data-driven
solutions and fostering collaboration across disciplines.

Critical Thinking: Engaging with science promotes critical thinking and
skepticism. It encourages questioning assumptions and seeking evidence,
which is crucial in an age of misinformation.

Interconnectedness: Science reveals the interconnectedness of systems, from
ecosystems to economies. Understanding these relationships helps us address
complex issues holistically.

Inspiration and Exploration: The pursuit of scientific knowledge inspires
curiosity and exploration. It drives humanity to seek out new frontiers,
whether in space or within our own planet.

Overall, science is essential for progress, understanding, and navigating
the complexities of our world.

Yes, the importance of science can be grounded in several foundational
principles and definitions:

Systematic Inquiry: Science is defined as a systematic approach to
understanding the natural world through observation, experimentation, and
analysis. This methodical process ensures reliability and repeatability in

Empirical Evidence: Science relies on empirical evidence—data obtained
through observation and experimentation. This emphasis on observable facts
helps distinguish scientific knowledge from speculation or opinion.

Falsifiability: A key aspect of science is that scientific hypotheses and
theories must be falsifiable, meaning they can be tested and potentially
disproven. This principle ensures that scientific claims can be rigorously

Progressive Nature: Science is inherently progressive; it builds on
previous knowledge and is open to revision as new evidence emerges. This
adaptability allows science to evolve and improve our understanding over

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Many scientific challenges require
collaboration across various disciplines, promoting a holistic approach to
problem-solving and innovation.

Impact on Society: The applications of scientific knowledge have profound
effects on society, influencing areas such as healthcare, technology,
environmental policy, and education. This impact underscores its relevance
and importance.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Science fosters critical thinking
skills, enabling individuals to analyze problems, evaluate evidence, and
make informed decisions.

These foundational aspects highlight why science is considered crucial not
only for advancing knowledge but also for addressing real-world challenges
and improving quality of life.

END NOTE FOR Mr G: Engineering courses are applied science and all
utilitarian tools are only a finding and not a discovery or invention as
original science.


Q3      How is it possible Osmium has the highest density of all naturally
occurring elements, yet it only sits at number 76 on the periodic table?

Vamsi Krishna: The high density of osmium despite its relatively low atomic
number is primarily due to its compact atomic structure.

G=My purpose -The purpose of this QA   is to introduce Osmium, a metal with
more weight.

KR:      Osmium is placed at the end of the periodic table because it's one
of the heaviest elements in the platinum group (group 10), and its atomic
number is 76. The periodic table is arranged by increasing atomic number,
which generally corresponds to increasing atomic mass.

The reason osmium has a high atomic weight is due to its relatively large
number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. Heavier elements typically
have more complex electron configurations and can have higher atomic
masses. Additionally, as you go down a group, elements tend to have higher
atomic masses, which is why osmium, despite its high weight, is still found
near the end of the table. Its position reflects its unique properties,
including its density and resistance to corrosion, which make it distinct
among transition metals.

Atomic Number: This is the number of protons in an atom's nucleus and
determines the element's identity. For example, osmium (Os) has an atomic
number of 76, meaning it has 76 protons.

Atomic Mass: This is the average mass of an atom of an element, accounting
for the number of protons and neutrons. Osmium has a high atomic mass
(about 190.2 amu) because it has many protons and neutrons.

Periodic Table Arrangement: The periodic table is organized by increasing
atomic number from left to right. So, elements are listed in order of their
atomic numbers (1 for hydrogen, 2 for helium, and so on). This generally
means that as you move to the right or down, the atomic mass tends to
increase as well. {KR where 76 will come? atomic number 76 redline quoted
above?  atomic mass 190 amu? Platinum group? Vamsi krishna says “despite
its relatively low atomic number”; 76 is lolwer number or higher number; is
the answer rubbish? As alleged by Mr Gopalakrishnan? Periodic table is
perfectly arranged; structure as a whole does matter. Some have a pair;
some have unique structure or else it will not be called Osmium.}

Position of Osmium: Osmium is located in the middle of the periodic
table, specifically
in the transition metals section. Its high atomic number (76) places it
further down the table compared to lighter elements, which are found at the


Q4      Where is the end/last corner of earth?

KR        Quora will coin stupid Q and then negativate it as a bad question
which is the answer; which will be compiled here for your knowledge. IS

KR:         However, some time back I published a book shop which is named
as world’s corner shop in Hawaii.


Q5      Was mathematics invented or discovered?

Vamsi:  Ultimately, the question of whether mathematics is invented or
discovered is a matter of philosophical interpretation. There is no
definitive answer, and both sides present compelling arguments.

KR:      1   The compiler yesterday said eng study got a new scientific
article; there I said Mr G doesn't know finding, inventory. And discovery.
Now Vamsi discusses; at least will he know now, there are science and
applied science?

2        Mr G says “varum aana varathu style answer. If MATHEMATICS IS
INVENTED THEN WHAT IS SCIENCE? invented or discovery? What remained unknown
if found removing the hidden matter, it is discovered. Where air directions
of displacements already discovered, is adopted, by a push to exhale-out,
it applied or invented. (cycle pump)

3          Mathematics can be defined in several ways, depending on the
context, but here are some common definitions:

Formal Definition: Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, patterns,
and relationships using symbolic representation and logical reasoning. It
involves abstract concepts such as sets, functions, and structures.

Practical Definition: Mathematics is a tool for solving problems and making
sense of the world. It applies to various fields, including science,
engineering, economics, and everyday life, providing methods for
quantifying, analyzing, and interpreting data.{without study cannot be

Philosophical Definition: Some view mathematics as a language of thought, a
way to express ideas and concepts precisely and unambiguously. Others see
it as a discovery of inherent truths about the universe, while some
consider it a human invention. {because in compiler reply philosophy was
also included.}

Applied Definition: Mathematics can also be defined as a discipline that
includes both pure mathematics (theoretical aspects) and applied
mathematics (practical applications in real-world scenarios).{Both

4         As seen by the west, suppose Maya and Egypt etc were to be
considered, there we see numbers. If not, he first literature provides the
numbers real and unreal in chamakam.

     ēkā̍ cha mē ti̠sraścha̍ mē̠

pañcha̍ cha mē sa̠pta cha̍ mē̠

nava̍ cha ma̠ ēkā̍daśa cha mē̠

trayō̍daśa cha mē̠ pañcha̍daśa cha mē

sa̠ptada̍śa cha mē̠ nava̍daśa cha ma̠

ēka̍vigṃśatiścha mē̠ trayō̍vigṃśatiścha mē̠

pañcha̍vigṃśatiścha mē sa̠ptavig̍ṃśatiścha mē̠

nava̍vigṃśatiścha ma̠ ēka̍trigṃśachcha mē̠

traya̍strigṃśachcha mē̠ chata̍sraścha mē̠-'ṣṭau cha̍ mē̠

dvāda̍śa cha mē̠ ṣōḍa̍śa cha mē

vigṃśa̠tiścha̍ mē̠ chatu̍rvigṃśatiścha mē̠-'ṣṭāvig̍ṃśatiścha mē̠

dvātrig̍ṃśachcha mē̠ ṣaṭ-trig̍ṃśachcha mē

chatvāri̠g̠ṃśachcha̍ mē̠ chatu̍śchatvārigṃśachcha mē- ॥ 11 ॥

        MEANING: The odd number one; and three; and five; and seven; and
nine; and eleven; and thirteen and fifteen; and seventeen; and nineteen;
and twenty one; and twenty three; and twenty five; and twenty seven; and
twenty nine; and thirty one; and thirty three; and the even numbers four;
and eight; and twelve; and sixteen; and twenty; and twenty four; and twenty
eight, and thirty two; and thirty six; and forty; and forty four; and forty
eight; and food; and production of food; and its recurring growth; and the
desire and will to enjoy Bhogas or objects of enjoyments; and the source of
all productions which is the sun; and heaven and head of all things; and
that Being who pervadeth infinite categories like the sky, time, etc., and
He who is born at the end of all things; and He who exists at the end of
all; and who exists in the earth; and who hath assumed the form of this
earth; and who existing in all things controls them as their Inner Rule

            In Rudra Ekadasi, Rudram is recited 11 times and Chamakam is
recited once. After Rudram is recited once, one section or anuvaka of
Chamakam is recited in order.

In Laghu rudhram, Rudra Ekadasi is done 11 times, that is, Rudram is
recited 112 or 121 times and Chamakam is recited 11 times.

In Maharudram, 11 Laghurudrams are recited; that is, Rudram is recited 113
= 1331 times and Chamakam 112 = 121 times.

In Atirudram, 11 Maharudrams are recited; that is, Rudram is recited 114 =
14641 times and Chamakam is recited 113 = 1331 times.

{Have you ever wondered tirukkural has 1330 +1 kural in 133 adikaram.

      “Eka cha me, thisrascha may, pancha cha may, sapta cha may, Ekadasa
cha may, trayodasa cha may, panchadasa cha may, sapta dasa cha may,
Navadasa cha may, ek trimshatis cha may, trayovimshatis cha may,
Panchavimshatis cha may, saptavimshatis cha may, navavimshatis cha may,
Ekatrimshatis cha may, trayatrimshatis cha may, panchatrimshatis cha may,
Chatasras cha may, ashtou cha may, dwadasa cha may, shodasa cha may,
Vimsatis cha may, chaturvimshatis cha may, ashtavimshatis cha may,
Dwathrimashatis cha may, shatstrimshas cha may, chatvarimshas cha may,
Chatuschatvarimshas cha may, ashtachatvarimshas cha may”

which means:      “Let these be granted to me. One, three, five, seven,
nine, eleven, thirteen, seventeen, nineteen, twenty-one, twenty three,
twenty five, twenty seven, twenty nine, thirty one and thirty three as also
four, eight, twelve, sixteen, twenty, twenty four, twenty eight, thirty
two, thirty six, forty, forty four and forty eight”.

Traditional scholars and pandits explain the significance of these numbers
as follows:


1 = Nature or Prakriti

3 = The three gunas, namely sattwa, rajas and tamas

5 = The five mahabhutas, or the five basic elements, that is, prithvi, ap,
tejas, vayu and akasha, (earth, water, energy or agni or fire, wind and

7 = The five sensory organs and the mind and intellect

9 = The nine openings in the human body, called the navadwaras.

11 = The ten pranas and the Sushumna nadi

13 = Thirteen Devas

15 = The nadis or nerve centres in the human body

17 = The limbs of the human body

19 = Medicinal herbs

21 = Important vulnerable parts of the body

23 = Devas controlling serious diseases

25 = Apsaras in heaven

27 = Gandharvas

29 = Vidyut Devas

31 = Worlds

33 = Devas


4 = The four ideals of human life, namely dharma, artha, kama and moksha,

(righteous way of life, wealth, desire, and salvation)

8 = The four Vedas and the four upavedas

12 = Six vedangas and six shastras.

16 = Knowledge to be obtained from God

20 = The Mahabhutas

24 = The number of letters in the Gayatri metre

28 = The number of letters in the Ushnik metre

32 = The number of letters in the Anushtup metre

36 = The number of letters in the Brihati metre

40 = The number of letters in the Pankti metre

44 = The number of letters in the Trushtup metre

48 = The number of letters in the Jagati metre

One great scholar says these numbers represent a polymer chain of molecules
that form apa or water that enables evolution of life and intelligence, and
apa is nothing but the nitrogenous base pairs of the DNA. The numbers 1 to
33 represent the 33000 base pairs of mitochondrial base pairs of DNA. The
numbers 4 to 48 represent the 48 million nuclear bases of DNA. The two sets
of DNA bases combine to provide sustenance of human wellbeing and onward
evolution of human life. When the devotee prays for the blessing of these
numbers, actually he is praying for bestowing on him all these DNA bases
which conduce to sustenance of human wellbeing and happiness.

        From where these numbers were so cogently invented that too real
and unreal numbers? All were hidden all around which the rishis discovered.
Maths being a number was only discovered.



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From: 'gopala krishnan' via iyer123 <>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 at 19:13
Subject: [iyer123] CULTURAL QA 10-2024-03
To: Iyer <>

CULTURAL QA 10-2024-03

Every day science Base Quora QA Compiled

Q1      Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?

A1      Hazim Ahmed,Sun

We classify the objects of the solar system based on three criteria:

Whether it orbits the sun.

Whether it has enough self gravity to overcome forces and mould itself into
a spherical shape.

Whether it is gravitationally dominant and has cleared its orbital path
free of debris.

When a body satisfies none of these, it is refered to as a satellite.
Bodies of this class include moons and artificial satellites going around
planets. If the first criteria is met, then it is a small solar system
body. Bodies of this class include objects such as asteroids, comets,
Kuiper Belt objects, Trans-Neptunian objects and so on. When first two are
satisfied, it is called a dwarf planet. Pluto belongs to this class of
bodies. Only when all three are met do we call it a planet.

Q2      What are the uses of science to man?

A2      Ambreesh K M,Certificate in English for personal and professional
development , Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kota (IIITK)
(Graduated 2024)Mon

Science plays a crucial role in enhancing human life across various domains:

Health and Medicine

Medical Advances: Science has led to the development of vaccines,
diagnostic tools, and treatments for diseases, significantly improving
health outcomes.

Technology and Daily Life

Convenience: Innovations such as smartphones, computers, and appliances
make daily tasks easier and more efficient.


Knowledge Dissemination: Science fosters education by providing a framework
for understanding the world, promoting critical thinking, and enhancing
literacy in scientific concepts.

Environmental Sustainability

Resource Management: Scientific research aids in sustainable practices,
ensuring the responsible use of natural resources to support future

Overall, science not only addresses immediate human needs but also
contributes to long-term societal progress.

My note- Mechanical and Electric Engineering has helped men a lot.
Transport, lighting, Heavy duty machines like lifts, cranes etc.

Q3      How is it possible Osmium has the highest density of all naturally
occurring elements, yet it only sits at number 76 on the periodic table?

A3      Vamshi Krishna,Admin @ mcqtube website 7h

The high density of osmium despite its relatively low atomic number is
primarily due to its compact atomic structure.

Here's a breakdown of the factors contributing to osmium's high density:

* Atomic Radius: Osmium has a relatively small atomic radius compared to
other heavy elements. This means that its atoms are packed tightly
together, leading to a high density.

* Crystal Structure: Osmium has a close-packed hexagonal crystal structure,
which is one of the densest possible arrangements of atoms.

* Strong Metallic Bonding: Osmium exhibits strong metallic bonding between
its atoms. This strong bonding contributes to its high density and other
properties like hardness and high melting point.

While osmium has a relatively low atomic number compared to some other
heavy elements, its unique combination of atomic radius, crystal structure,
and strong metallic bonding results in an exceptionally high density.

My purpose -The purpose of this QA  is to introduce Osmium, a metal with
more weight.

Q4      Where is the end/last corner of earth?

A4      Siddequr Rahman,Sep 26

The Earth is a spherical form, so it doesn’t technically have any "corners"
or "ends." if you're referring to the most remote or remote places, some
might recall the North and South Poles because the "ends" of the Earth
because of their extreme places.

However, in a figurative feel, the concept of a "give up" or "last nook" of
Earth would not exist due to the fact the planet is round, and you can
continuously journey around it without ever achieving a part.

Q5      Was mathematics invented or discovered?

A5      Vamshi Krishna,Sep 27

The debate over whether mathematics is invented or discovered is a
philosophical one that has intrigued thinkers for centuries.

The Invention Argument

* Human Creation: Proponents of this view argue that mathematics is a human
construct, a tool invented to describe and understand the world around us.

* Mental Constructs: They see mathematical concepts as mental creations,
similar to language or art.

The Discovery Argument

* Pre-existing Reality: Advocates of this perspective believe that
mathematical truths exist independently of human minds, waiting to be

* Platonic Idealism: This view often draws inspiration from Plato's theory
of forms, suggesting that mathematical objects like numbers and shapes
exist in a separate realm.

Ultimately, the question of whether mathematics is invented or discovered
is a matter of philosophical interpretation. There is no definitive answer,
and both sides present compelling arguments.

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