On 2006-12-21 14:26 +0100, Stacho Mudrak wrote:
> Quoting Wookey <wookey at aleph1.co.uk>:
> > A scale taken from the overall map (properly scaled with stations) is
> > that it is much more likely to be correct, and a typical avergae (not
> > a value from the ends of the bell curve, which you might get using a
> > random x-sect to scale all the others). So this seems to me to be much
> > better (as well as much quicker).
> But if you scaprs drawn in different scales? 

Then you need to move the corner-markers instead of take scale from
plan scrap.

> And what about rotation?  
> I think it is difficult.

Yes - I was thinking about scale, not rotation - often some sections are drawn 
with different
local 'up', at least in original notes. Again these awkward ones could
just be done as they are now, although it would be useful to be able
to say 'scale like scrap foo, rotation nn'.

> > Could you get confused as to which marker is which and
> > thusaccidentally reverse the x-sect? If so them either make them diff
> > shapes or colours, or put them slightly to corners.
> This is, why I wanted to have there an arrow - it will point from  
> first to second marker.

Makes sense. 

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