+++ marco corvi [2010-04-14 13:14 +0200]:
> On Wed, 2010-04-14 at 12:22 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> > +++ marco corvi [2010-04-14 09:18 +0200]:
> > > hi wookey,

> > > the work on "my distox programs" is going on.
> > > you can get the programs and dome docs on the page
> > > http://marcocorvi.altervista.org/caving/distox/index.htm
> > 
> > OK. good stuff. I will download, build and test tonight if I can. 

OK, I built the test progs and got bluetooth working. I can read data
out with tlx_dump_data and set the device in calibration mode with
tlx_toggle_calib. I thought I'd failed to read the calibration data
out, but in fact it seems to be in calib_data.txt. 

I haven't yet managed to build the QT stuff. Or even tried to
cross-build it all. Will try that tomorrow (later today). 

Here is a calib file. This one had 2 legs missing so has could of
extra 'downs' at the end. Not sure if that's fatal. If not could you
sned me back a set of numbers - tehy'll be better than nothing. (It's
cold outside and very late so I can't be bothered doing it again right
now :-)

0xfffffe0c 0xfffffd74 0x34b4 0xffffcd39 0xfffff556 0x4f6d -1 0
0xfffffad3 0xfffffcc6 0xffffc8f6 0xffffc040 0x058a 0xffffb195 -1 0
0xfffffd06 0xffffc852 0x03f2 0xffffc6d4 0xffffabcd 0xfffffbd1 -1 0
0x0207 0xfffffb1f 0x34fd 0x2326 0xfffff594 0x55af -1 0
0x0275 0xffffc7ae 0x0207 0x1f0d 0xffffa41f 0xfffffcb7 -1 0
0x0175 0xfffffa55 0xffffc85a 0x1980 0xfffffe66 0xffffa6f5 -1 0
0x00fb 0x3422 0xfffff91f 0x1da5 0x5aa1 0xfffffdb0 -1 0
0x0791 0xfffffbdb 0x3504 0x0a6c 0x1f81 0x5741 -1 0
0x0640 0x3441 0x0516 0x038d 0x5c33 0xffffe98c -1 0
0x06b4 0xffffc920 0x0c47 0x067b 0xffffb157 0x33d1 -1 0
0x05cf 0xfffffe67 0xffffc80a 0xfffffe5c 0xffffdb4f 0xffffa787 -1 0
0x0573 0xfffffc9f 0x3531 0xfffffb4b 0xffffd5cd 0x51cf -1 0
0x04e3 0xfffffdd1 0xffffc816 0xfffff19b 0x2504 0xffffaaa8 -1 0
0x04f7 0xffffc799 0xfffffba0 0xfffff370 0xffffa8b2 0xffffd27e -1 0
0x0353 0x3486 0xfffffbfe 0xfffff55a 0x592a 0x229f -1 0
0xffffcfbe 0x009b 0x0b11 0xffff9cb2 0xffffde15 0x0ae7 -1 0
0xffffd016 0xfffff204 0x03e5 0xffff9b44 0xffffe814 0xffffe2e1 -1 0
0xffffd073 0xfffff9f2 0xfffff072 0xffff9c0e 0x1e2a 0xffffed9b -1 0
0xffffd090 0x0cb4 0xfffffaef 0xffff9f23 0x1450 0x1ea5 -1 0
0x3b66 0xfffffe26 0x015e 0x5a8f 0xffffd91d 0xfffffd5e -1 0
0x3b59 0x00f7 0xffffffc7 0x5c2a 0xfffffa65 0x2378 -1 0
0x3b43 0x002f 0xfffffd23 0x59ed 0x275f 0x019c -1 0
0x3b53 0xfffffc17 0xfffffd8c 0x5801 0xfffffd4b 0xffffd88d -1 0
0x1f63 0xffffcf88 0x0a36 0x106e 0xffffa071 0xfffff60d -1 0
0x1ed4 0xfffff9fb 0xffffcee9 0x0c87 0x1396 0xffffa671 -1 0
0x1e2d 0x2e9b 0xfffff9e2 0x10ed 0x5c11 0x1483 -1 0
0xffffe638 0x2add 0xfffffc96 0xffffb4bc 0x3cd0 0x1c03 -1 0
0xffffe7f4 0x0128 0x2c94 0xffffb890 0xffffe430 0x3ccb -1 0
0xffffe7aa 0xffffd4a7 0x1071 0xffffb520 0xffffb948 0xfffff905 -1 0
0xffffe720 0xfffffa94 0xffffd112 0xffffb122 0x18ce 0xffffc28f -1 0
0xffffe258 0xfffffa7a 0xffffd4df 0xffffd3de 0xffffe16b 0xffffabcd -1 0
0xffffe452 0xffffd39f 0xfffffa5b 0xffffdd15 0xffffa3b2 0x07ec -1 0
0xffffe5ef 0xfffffd60 0x2b39 0xffffe4c3 0x1249 0x570b -1 0
0xffffe4a7 0x2979 0x02e8 0xffffdc7b 0x5a06 0xfffff3d2 -1 0
0x1f02 0x064e 0x2d59 0x4603 0x219b 0x3a21 -1 0
0x1e53 0x2e44 0x03bd 0x42b9 0x42d4 0xfffff089 -1 0
0x1d6d 0xfffffaf3 0xffffce2e 0x3d8f 0xffffe15c 0xffffbf05 -1 0
0x1de8 0xffffcdcc 0xfffff8a9 0x4262 0xffffb9d6 0x0b8b -1 0
0x20c5 0xffffcf62 0xfffffcdc 0x1574 0xffffa3e5 0x1232 -1 0
0x1f8e 0xffffff11 0x2e11 0x16cc 0x19e7 0x56c4 -1 0
0x1f7f 0x2d7b 0x0563 0x12e0 0x5c73 0xfffff439 -1 0
0x1e7e 0xffffff02 0xffffcea5 0x0bd0 0xffffe62c 0xffffa639 -1 0
0xffffe044 0x01d0 0xffffd67f 0xffffa546 0xffffe973 0xffffcd50 -1 0
0xffffe11c 0x2710 0xffffff8c 0xffffa7b6 0x31d9 0xffffe8b4 -1 0
0xffffe228 0x01d5 0x2860 0xffffad06 0x1e00 0x308a -1 0
0xffffe251 0xffffd3db 0x0246 0xffffab77 0xffffccaf 0x1aec -1 0
0xffffe170 0xffffd48e 0x0241 0xffffcfc1 0xffffaa09 0xffffe5c9 -1 0
0xffffe21a 0xfffff9f4 0xffffd4ad 0xffffceb3 0x166d 0xffffadef -1 0
0xffffe261 0x27f5 0xfffffa4a 0xffffd49e 0x54c5 0x179b -1 0
0xffffe2c4 0xffffff14 0x2931 0xffffd79d 0xffffe180 0x4f30 -1 0
0x2240 0xfffffd54 0x2c4f 0x4940 0xffffe240 0x37ad -1 0
0x225b 0xffffd084 0x04aa 0x4475 0xffffbeb5 0xffffe946 -1 0
0x1feb 0xfffff797 0xffffcfeb 0x4016 0x1203 0xffffbe77 -1 0
0x1e53 0x2e57 0xfffffa10 0x42cf 0x4370 0x1597 -1 0
0x3ae9 0xffffffd4 0x03a1 0x5c32 0x1434 0xffffe823 -1 0
0x3b14 0x01a6 0xffffff11 0x5b43 0xffffebf5 0xffffe372 -1 0

I'll debianise your package and upload it once I have it all working. 

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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