+++ marco corvi [2010-04-16 09:07 +0200]:
> On Fri, 2010-04-16 at 04:49 +0100, Wookey wrote:
> ...
> > Here is a calib file. This one had 2 legs missing so has couple of
> > extra 'downs' at the end. Not sure if that's fatal. If not could you
> > send me back a set of numbers 
> hi wookey,
> attached are the calibration coeffs of your disto.
> calibration shots are well distributed over the directions.
> max error is about 0.5 deg.
> did not play to get it lower.

Thanx Marco. Beat's article on how to do the sums has now been
published inthe CREG journal (I have a copy in front of me). So that
means you can release the code and include it in topolinux.

I had some trouble getting bluetooth to work with the distoX and my
openmoko and then failed to get topolinux to run with the version of
stdlibc++ installed and actually talk to the bluetooth serial device,
so I took my netbook underground to experiment with instead, but then
failed to get bluetooth association even though it had been working
justfine the evening before.

So I didn't get to try it underground usefully. But I can see that
some changes to the interface would be helpful. Hopefully I'll have
some more time to work on it in order to get it going usefully for this
summer's expo.

Principal hats:  iEndian - Balloonboard - Toby Churchill - Emdebian

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