+++ Wookey [2011-06-20 16:31 +0100]:
> +++ Stacho Mudrak [2011-06-20 17:07 +0200]:
> > I have tried to implement all your fixes from debian repository. Is there 
> > any
> > other way to help you with debian packaging?
> If you can tell me which Debian patches have been
> incorporated for each new release it saves me having to work it out,
> by which ones don't apply and then deciding if it's because it's been
> included, or because things have changed.

OK. I had a look and I see you've just incorporated the gcc4.5 fixes.
Excellent. That will avoid future issues for people.

I think you should also look at upstreaming:
30doc-fixes.patch (manpage update)
40samples-fixes.patch (build issue)
50svg-logo.patch (this could be extended to use logo in various places)
There is not much debian-specific in there. 

For the rest we should discuss whether we can avoid me maintaining
patches by upstream changes or not. e.g I'm not sure of the
czech-font-by-default thing is still a real issue or not.

One thing I did notice:
therion.ini in 5.3.8 has unix lineends
therion.ini in 5.3.7 has dos lineends

was that a deliberate change? It broke the
80remove-czech-fonts-default.patch and more importantly it causes
everyone upgrading to get a 'you changed therion.ini - do you want to
use new or old' and if you ask for a diff it shows every line (which
have technicaly changed, but only in lineend). 

It probably should be a unix file, so maybe it's time to have this
slighly annoying transition. There is probably a way for me to manage
it silently in the packaging, but having to find that out stops this
being a trivial upload I could do today.  

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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