
you can modify the appearance of lines (using s_vgrid MetaPost macro as you
tried) and also the alignment of the altitude labels (using \gridcoord TeX

This modification (it's simplified and wouldn't work for the plan
projection) displays coordinates on the outer side of the imaginary map
box, vertically centered on the elevation lines:

\def\gridcoord#1#2{\hbox to0pt{%
    \vbox to0pt{%


On Sun, Jul 26, 2020 at 10:55 AM Axel <dropst...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am looking for a way to extend the gridlines in an extended elev to the
> left and right that the alitude notations don't cover the survey.
> If u think of the survey as a box it would be good to have the
> altitude-notations outside this box (in fact I think this is a bug).
> I tried to change the s_vgrid definition a bit but only achieved that my
> lines get longer and are dashed again (if xpos < -1: 0). Text won't move
> though...
> It also would be nice to get a non italic font for the notations. I guess
> the key is to know where Therion actually generates the grid?
> would be greate if someone could give me a kick in the right direction
> cheers,
> Axel Hack
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