> There are lots of features that will cross those walls, so I will be
> making extensive use of "-clip off".

That is entirely up to where you draw your invisible walls. I would try
not to allow them to go through any area fills, but you can join feature
lines too, so either clip off, or two separate lines with a join.

The reason Therion struggles with your drawing is that your gaps are
bigger than the passage width. It needs gaps in the walls to be narrower
than the width across a passage. It tries to close gaps with the
"nearest end of a wall", which is the far side of the passage, instead
of the wide gap. You can leave gaps, just not such wide ones. So if
needed, an invisible wall across the mouth of a passage (that is not in
the current scrap) might help.

> A thought occurred as I was writing this.  There is one survey station
> about in the middle of the white triangle which is present on all of the
> sketches.  I wonder if I can draw invisible walls to that station? Might
> that help everything fit together?  Should be fairly easy to try.

That sounds like something worth trying. It will be a case of

> I have considered trying to get all the sketches mangled together in a
> single JPG file to use as the drawing background.  The problem with that
> is some of the sketch is done at 20 feet to the inch and some at 10 feet
> to the inch.  Resizing everything to match would take some doing.  I am
> sure GIMP can do it, if only I knew how to use it.

It can, but we're getting quite off topic for this mailing list if you
want a tutorial on Gimp too...

> Hindsight is, of course, 20/20.  If I knew then what I know now, I would
> have sketched the whole room as one big scrap.

This is always the issue with surveying during exploration, rather than
surveying after exploration. A grade 1 helps plan the grade 5+. It is
something you can expect to happen. We hit the same issue in one of mine
- a collapse chamber with loads of walls that are actually not walls.
You don't realise until afterwards.
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