I've made limited progress. My browser now recognmises that I'm trying
to display an SVG picture but doesn't actually draw the picture I
intend. Here's what I've done and what I'm thinking of trying next.

I've inserted the <embed statement while editing the html (an option
provided by the HTMLArea editor). This seems to recognise the "<" sign
much better than when I placed the <embed statement in the wysiwyg
editor itself. (A look at the genereated html for the whole TW when
the tiddler was on display showed "embed .. preceded by "lt" when I
pasted the <embed statement into the wysiwyg part of the editor rather
than "&lt" which was generated by the ASCIISvg grapher.

Once I set HTMLArea to show me the html and pasted the <embed
statement there, I could no longer see that part of the statement when
viewing the tiddler instead of seeing all the code I'd pasted in.
Guessing this meant that the embed statement was being acted upon
instead of merely redisplayed as code, this seemed to be a little

I now also see an area in the displayed tiddler which my browser
clearly thinks is an SVG area because a right click in IE6 offers SVG
menu options.

The recomended code at the ASCIISvg web site includes a reference to a
file called "d.svg". In HTMLArea this is located at "HTMLArea\plugins
\AsciiSvg\d.svg" so I edited the HTML to reflect this longer relative
path. This made no practical difference that I can see so I'm simply
guessing it's correct.

I had a further problem with the raw html editor within HTMLArea. It
seems to change the script delimiters from the single quotes that I
pasted in to double quotes. As I was initially trialling an ASCIISvg
script that contained parameters demarcated by double quotes I guessed
there'd be confusion about nested double quotes and therefore trialled
a script that contained no other double quotes to avoid confusion.
Currently I'm trying a tiddler for which HTMLArea shows the the
following html:

<p>Start text</p><embed src="HTMLArea\Plugins\AsciiSvg\d.svg"
script="initPicture(-2,2,-2,2);axes();line([-2,-2],[2,2]);" /><p /
><p>End text</p>.

Although an SVG area is displayed by my browser now, I'm still not
seeing the desired drawing.

1) I've tried placing width and height paramenetsr after the "embed"
word but these get stripped out by the editor - I'm not sure why.

2) I don't see the line drawn as requested by the code or even the
axes that should appear. I do get a dialog box merely saying
"undefined" a few times before I clear it. I don't yet know how to fix
this and don't yet know if this is clue to the failed drawing or
whether it relates to something else.

I've compared the generated html for the whole TW to the code
generated by the ASCIISvg graphing window available inside HTMLArea
and that contains an ssrc statement that I've not seen in any ASCIIsvg
coding. I'm currently guessing that the graphing window is therefore
generating SVG code rather than ASCIISvg code and that my problem lies
in getting ASCIISVG code recognised.

I'll explore how to insert SVG code in my html to see if that draws
lines correctly. If SVG code works but ASCIISvg does not, this might
support the view that my problem lies in ASCIIsvg code recognition.
(I'd also be puzzled why ASCIISvg is present with this version of
HTMLArea since, to my limited understanding, it'd suggest that
ASCIISvg isn't actually used anywhere in the grapher).

But if anyone already spots why my graph still won't draw even though
I'm now at least invoking the SVG viewer, I'd be delighted to hear
from you as I admit that I feel I'm groping in the dark a little at



On Oct 19, 1:13 pm, kilucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting. I tried the <embed etc material in Firefox too but still
> only saw the script. That's almost a relief anyway because my Firefox
> objectes to pasting into a tiddler because of security problem that I
> haven't been able to fix yet, but pasting example SVG code is much
> faster and less error prone than retyping it by hand.
> I tried placing d.svg adjacent to the TW and even an extra copy of the
> originalASCIIsvg.js there although the header markup wouldn't have
> known about the latter and neither made any difference.
> It's such a shame because the drawing facilities are so useful as well
> as the graphing facilities. And, presuming that the graphing
> facilities invoke the drawing facilities anyway, I feel drawing by
> providing theASCIIsvgcode must somehow be possible.
> For now I'm using a separate web page to draw my images and am using
> SnagIt to take a screenshot of the drawing which I then place in the
> tiddler as an image. This admittedly has the advantage that it can be
> viewed by anyone with IE but without the SVGViewer but my pages
> typically include mathematical notation via ASCIIMathML so they need
> the MathPlayer anyway. AQnd I couldn't reasonably expect any other
> user of my TW's to do this.
> And I can't render dynamic images using screenshots as I could
> theoretically withASCIIsvg.
> So I'll keep thinking about this to see if I can find some way to 
> getASCIIsvgcode invoked. And I didn't realise there's a plugin to store
> images in TWs - I'm holding mine in an Images folder alongside but
> this reduces portability I feel. So I'll explore that too - thanks for
> the tip.
> Kevin
> On Oct 19, 1:01 pm, okido <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Kevin,
> > I had the same problems with IE and ACIIsvg and I abandoned graphics
> > for that reason.
> > However there is still a concept that I would like to try and that I
> > used long time ago when I was still working on my CP/m system.
> > At that time I constructed graphs directly in video memory, this
> > worked fine.
> > Something similar could be done by dynamically altering an image that
> > is stored in a tiddler.
> > There is a plugin for storing images in tiddlers available.
> > At least this would solve IE problems I think.
> > Maybe there are some programmers out there how would like to pick up
> > this concept.
> > Have a nice day, Okido
> > On 17 Oct, 20:32, kilucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Okido
> > > Thanks for this. I'd forgotten about this source but found a similar
> > > one called CTY's Math TiddlyWiki athttp://www.jostylr.com/deli.html
> > > last night, so thanks for the reminder. They both useASCIIsvgstand
> > > alone from the enhanced HTMLArea of Peter Jipsen and Bram Chen which
> > > I'm hoping to use and I'm guessing that I might confuse my TW if it
> > > includes two versions ofASCIIsvgfor now.
> > > Paolo's examples solely use script to generate graphs or other
> > > drawings which is exactly my aim, but in addition to the graphing
> > > front end that Bram mentions above and which works in my TWs.
> > > They just seem to embed the code in a standard tiddler surrounded by
> > > html tags and it'd be great if I could do that in HTMLArea but my
> > > experiemnts have all failed and I just see the code.
> > > CTY's surrounded the code with two backticks but that might also
> > > complicate my copy of HTMLArea which uses a single backtick to
> > > surround ASCIIMathML markup (as does Paolo's I think).
> > > Lastly, both copies throw object errors when I try to display the
> > > sample graphs and drawings in IE6 but then Paolo warns it's not tested
> > > for IE. A quick trial at the link you posted worked fine in Firefox.
> > > I haven't stteled on my likely browser yet though I'd prefer IE
> > > because that's the native browser on my target PCs. Both throw
> > > inconvenient security messages that I've still not got rid of entirely
> > > and Firefox objects to pasting html without a complicated-looking
> > > change to the browser environment which I'd have to do on each PC -
> > > not very appealing.
> > > So there's a lot left to settle but if I could just invokeASCIIsvg
> > > via code in addition to the graphing front end, all in HTMLArea in at
> > > least one browser, that'd be a great step forward.
> > > And if I can't, I may fall back to your option with FireFox. So thanks
> > > for the clues.
> > > Kevin
> > > On Oct 17, 5:01 pm, okido <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Hi Kilucas,
> > > > I made some graphs with little effort.
> > > > See the TW of Paulo Soares 
> > > > athttp://www.math.ist.utl.pt/~psoares/addons.html
> > > > This will certainly help you further.
> > > > Have a nice day, Okido
> > > > On 17 Oct, 09:43, kilucas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Bram
> > > > > Thanks for this and this parameter screen generates fine when I use
> > > > > the trigger button on the HTMLArea toolbar.
> > > > > But I think it is only useful for graphs. If I want to draw say a
> > > > > trigonometric diagram such as that 
> > > > > athttp://math.chapman.edu/cgi-bin/math.pl?Sum_of_angles_cos_formula
> > > > > then I believe I need access to all theASCIIsvgcommands direcatly
> > > > > and hence would like to know how to embed them in a tiddler.
> > > > > Do you think this is possible perhaps?
> > > > > Thanks
> > > > > Kevin
> > > > > On Oct 17, 5:27 am, BramChen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > > Hi Kevin,
> > > > > > The attachment might be a solution for you if I understand you 
> > > > > > correctly.
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > Bram Chen
> > > > > >  ParametricSpiral.png
> > > > > > 37KViewDownload- Hide quoted text -
> > > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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