
I'm afraid that was never turned into a general-use plugin, partly
because whilst it is straightforward to turn a sequence of asterisks
into radio-buttons, it was unclear to me as to how to generalize what
do when a selection was made. For that particular use case we
associated the selected radio buttons with answers and sent that data
to a server, however I imagine that for a more general use plugin
you'd probably want to save the selection locally somehow. Say as
tags, or fields or something along those lines.

If you know exactly how you plan to use it, I *might* be able to put
together something usable for you.


On Mar 1, 10:04 am, RA <nameany...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there such a plugin? Found this old blog entry that mentions it,
> but nothing more. If anyone has it, please let me know, even if it's
> alpha.
> http://lewcid.org/2007/11/13/tiddlywiki-and-distance-learning/
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